Thursday, January 20, 2011

Adventures in Laundry

Alternately titled: The Joys of Doing Laundry with a 2 year old!
 Yes, that is a tinker toy in my washing machine. It was found after the washing cycle was completely finished!
 At least he does help sometimes:)
Apparently this is what happens to little kids clothes when you fluff them in the dryer a little too long!
What kind of laundry adventures have you had lately?


  1. I've found rocks and chapstick and diapers and matchbox cars recently. Gotta love their "help". ;-)

  2. T is famous for leaving business cards in his shirts or pants and they get all wet and ground up in the laundry machine. Drives me nuts!

  3. Stickers! I always find them after I've finished the wash. The ones with glitter on them ....ahhh! It's on everything!

  4. The worst is a child who puts crayons on his pockets and you don't find them until they have gone through the dryer. not fun!

  5. My husband is famous for leaving chapstick, change, and business cards in his clothes when they go in the wash. I try to check, but some just slip right past. Thankfully, I usually catch them before they go to the!

  6. I find all kinds of stuff in our laundry..luckily, I usually catch the crayons BEFORE they get washed :)

  7. LOL sorry! I have never had anything crazy happen. I have found shoes in the wash after it is washed, obviously when hubby did the load he just piled them all in. Gum is the worst and chapstick or lipgloss makes me mad!

  8. Laundry is always an adventure here! :) Let's see . . . hair clips always turn up in the wash. Stickers . . . usually "glued" to a shirt after going through the dryer. And yes, I've found gum too. Let me just tell you, gum is horrible to get out!

  9. Kleenex! Somehow one seems to end up in at least one load once a week! Ugh!

    PS. Can I ask how you make your header? Do you use Photoshop?

  10. Allie threw her diaper in there one time - yuck! and she regularly throws her dirty clothes in the dryer.

  11. I haven't had any "adventures" lately, but I love it when I find dollar bills in the washer!

  12. The other day I found a bunch of foam stickers...thank goodness I found them before they made it into the dryer and got such onto everything.

  13. My son likes to collect rocks so that's what we've found so far. Now I just have to remind myself to check his pockets every time I do a load.

  14. I often find "surprises" in my wash too! I got a diaper the other day. I'm hoping that it wasn't a used one!

  15. When my younger brother was little my mother opened the washer to find she had washed the worms he had been collecting all afternoon. That was the last time his clothes were not checked before they went into the wash!


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