Monday, January 10, 2011

Miscellany Monday

Monday blogging has become particularly difficult for me lately. I think mostly because I haven't been crafting or taking pictures as much as usual, which means I don't have any posts pre-scheduled. So on Monday mornings I feel a little pressure to be creative {or talkative} and post something while still trying to do the regular Monday morning mom routine!
Jason and I are attempting a new diet/cleanse/torture treatment this week. I actually saw this on the Rachael Ray show and then I saw a book review on a blog. It sounds pretty easy....except not really! You eat the same five foods for five days and they 'guarantee' you will lose 8 pounds.
The 5 foods are:
I figure I can torture myself for five days and hopefully see some results...though I have a feeling I am going to be starving by Saturday and I'm going to be sick of eating eggs:)
 I picked up a few crafting supplies this weekend! I love having an excuse to make something fun and girly...and Valentine's Day is a great excuse for something pink! Because you know a mom of three boys NEEDS an excuse to make something girly every once in a while:)
*Bonus points to the first person who guesses what craft I'm working on and what materials are in this picture*
My SUPER awesome hubby spent part of yesterday working on some new shelves for our laundry room. We already had the bottom layer of cubbies, but we had too much stuff and not enough he made a second shelf to add to the top. Now I just need to work on getting it organized and possible cute:) I love all the fun and decorated laundry rooms out there....and mine is SUPER boring! I'm hoping these new shelves inspire me to dress up my laundry room a little.
Click on the button to check out everyone's miscellany Carrisa also has a giveaway going on today too:)
Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters


  1. Good luck with the diet. Sounds like some good food though. At least you don't have to eat something like fish oil for a week or something nasty! I can take boring. And great shelves. We need some of those! Happy Monday.

  2. I want to try the diet, will you post about how it goes?

  3. Oh I love the fabric. I am really wanting new fabric but can not decide on a project

  4. Laundry rooms can be cute?? Really?? Oh, mine needs some serious help then.

    Good luck with the diet. I could never do it. I can't stomach eggs.

  5. Is that a hoola hoop?! I am dying to know! :) Love those fabrics!!!! I'm with you---Mondays are hard, and I haven't done any crafting b/c I'm still trying to get the house straight. :s

  6. While I like all of those foods..I'm not sure if I would be happy having just those things :)

    It looks like hula hoops in the picture & I'm assuming it's fabric too. Can't wait to see what you create!!!

  7. Sounds like an interesting meal plan! I'm sure it will be hard and no fun...aren't all diets? Blah...I need to start though ;(. Good luck!

    I'm not sure what craft you're making but it looks so cute already! Are those hoola hoops?

    Love the new shelves! We can always have more storage!

  8. Are you making a giant Valentine's wreath? I love those fabrics, like everyone else!!

    Can't wait to see!!


  9. Love the fabric.

    I am also working on Valentine's stuff. It creeps up on me though. I guess I should have started in Dec. for all the ideas I have.

    Thanks for stopping by!
    I'll be back to see what you do,


  10. It looks like a hula hoop to me, and some very pretty fabric. What you are going to do to them is beyond me!?! But I can't wait to see what transpires.

  11. I got to make a baby blanket for a brand new baby girl this weekend, and oh how I'd missed it! Good luck with the 5 foods diet. I love food way too much ;)

  12. I'm pretty sure I spy hula hoops... but I have no idea where you're going with this!!

  13. I can't wait to hear all about your cleanse and if you think it works. I have to get on the ball with something!!!!

    Cold and snowy here today - in the south that's almost unheard of!

  14. i hope the diet works for you. Are you working on a hula hoop wreath? I love the fabric too. CUte. Nice shelves too.

  15. Man, I wish I could figure out what you're making. A big heart...oh, that's such a guess...I have no clue, but I have no doubt it will be cute. So the 5 foods, can you mix them together like a spinach salad with raspberries and almonds. Let me know how that goes. I would actually like to do a cleansing but I'm scared. LOVE the shelves...such a great hubby.

  16. Oooohhh, love those fabrics!!! Happy crafting to you!

    The diet plan sounds worth it if it really does work!!! I've been sick for a few days... That's one way to lose weight. I like your way better! : )

  17. I feel the same way on Monday! I haven't been too crafty lately either and it shows :) I really wish I had a cute laundry room too, but mine is in the furnace room in the basement so it doesn't have much "cute" potential.

  18. My blogging has taken a hit too. My creative juices (if I ever had any) have been zapped. I can't wait to see what V'day craft you make!

  19. I SAW THAT ON RR!!! Please let me know how it goes for you...I want to do it, and so does share your opinion! I love eggs!

  20. What is the book? Or what are the rules of the diet?

  21. Hows the diet going? Im super interested in trying it. Its all things I like. Keep us posted


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