Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Ruffle is a Ruffle is a Ruffle

This crazy contraption attached to my sewing machine is called a ruffler.
 Just in case you weren't sure from the name, it makes ruffles...and it does it's job really well I might add! After multiple failed attempts at making ruffles following some online tutorials, I asked for this little beauty crazy looking contraption for Christmas. It has taken me almost a whole month to figure it out, but I finally got a few SUPER cute ruffles made.
 As the {really loud} ruffler was working, my head was swirling with all the possibilities. The first project on my list was some pretty Valentine dish towels, then I thought I might move on to a ruffled camera strap or one of the cute ruffled clutches that I have seen on other blogs. But thanks to my ruffler and this broken needle:
...all those ideas will have to stay in my head until I find my replacement needles!
I think my sewing machine hates me!


  1. I want one of those too! I can just imagine everything you could do with that!

  2. I had a ruffler in my sewing box for YEARS and had no idea what it was! I don't even know where it came from.

    I finally figured out what it was when I saw it on another blog {yeah!} and I've used it several times. I have broken some needles on it and it certainly is LOUD, but that is a small price to pay for beautiful, easy ruffles!!

  3. So jealous of your ruffler! Can't wait to see all the fun things you make. Hope you can get on your machine's good side!

  4. Oh no! I wish I could sew or be crafty.

  5. Kmama- It's not that bad! Just pick a project and jump in. Even if it's not perfect... you made it!


  6. Those did turn out nicely!!! I had to have a friend who went to fashion design school show me how to do ruffles, but now I've forgotten how. ;) Do you mind me asking how much rufflers run??

  7. I have just a basic sewing machine. Looks like a fun attachment. Can't wait to see what you do with it :)

  8. a ruffler?? awesome! wish my machine came with one!

  9. I break needles on my machine all the time and all I ever sew are scout patches. It is so frustrating! Love the cute ruffles though.

  10. So fun! I hope you get your needle fixed soon...sounds like you have some really cute projects to finish...the ruffles look so cute!

  11. I can't even thread my sewing machine. There is a bobbin and a something else. I just get confused.

  12. Oh dear! And here I was hoping to see how a mom of boys would put RUFFLES into her life! I'm still trying to figure out how to include some pink into mine! :-)

  13. I didn't even know they had such a thing... Tell your machine to shape up or you will ship him/her out... :) (It doesn't need to know it is a idle threat)

    New follower! Happy to be reading your blog!

  14. Oh bummer! Right when you started to get it!!

  15. Bummer! Never fun when you have something in your head & you can't make it happen.

  16. Not knowing 1 thing about sewing machines (except that I have one and can't use it)....those sure are cute ruffles :)

  17. Just saw you over at Amanda's Serenity Now and wanted to stop by your blog! I have been wanting to learn how to make ruffles - this is perfect thanks! Just became a new follower :) I'd love for you to stop by at: http://nestdecorator.blogspot.com

    Thanks! Kaitlyn @ The Birds Nest

  18. I want one of those really badly!

  19. I think this ruffler is fantastic! And by the looked of your Valentine's towels, I think you have it down pay! Sew girl sew!

  20. It should say: "looks" and "pat" sorry. Darn auto correct!

  21. I want a ruffler so bad! :) Great job on the towels!! I am a new follower and would love it if you would follow me back!


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