Thursday, March 24, 2011

Five Minute Monogrammed Doormat

I bought a new doormat for our side door last week. It was a nice sisal mat with a great herringbone pattern...but it was kind of boring. I decided the best way to dress it up {quickly and easily} would be to add a monogram to it.
I used my computer to find just the right W...not too plain but not too frilly either.
I printed it out.
Then I used spray adhesive to attach the printed W to the backside of a piece of contact paper. I had to make sure that the letter was facing the right directions so I didn't end up with a stencil for a backwards W:)
I used a blade to cut out the W basically  making a stencil out of the contact paper. You could also just cut the letter out of paper or cardstock and the spray it with adhesive to get it to stick to the mat.
I placed the stencil on the doormat and decided where I wanted the monogram to be. I decided on the bottom right hand corner, but I think it would have been great in the center too. Make sure to press the contact paper down really well....I learned the hard way that not much sticks to sisal but as long as it is sort of stuck down it will still do a pretty good job.
I covered the rest of the doormat with old newspaper and then enlisted the help of a few {dirty} little feet to help keep the paper in place. FYI spray painting on a windy day is not fun:)
I used an old can of black spray paint, and quickly sprayed a light coat over the stencil being sure to spray straight down so that the paint didn't get under the edges of the stencil. Let the paint dry for about a minute then remove your stencil.
And in just about five minutes I had a great monogrammed doormat!
Weekend Bloggy Reading


  1. What a great idea! It turned out perfectly!

  2. It looks great and so easy. I need a new doormat

  3. Super cute. I love it. I would have never thought to do it in the corner though. That's why you're crafty and I'm not!

  4. Very cute! It looks nice with the initial on the side, rather than in the center.

  5. So easy! Love this :) So clever using the contact paper!!

  6. This is way too cute!!! It looks great!!!

  7. What a great idea! We have been wanting a monogrammed door mat for our front door but they are so expensive...I think that we may have to do this!

  8. Yay!!!! I think you were wise to use just the corner of the mat---it might get frayed/smudged otherwise. Looks great!

  9. Now I wish I hadn't bought a patterned doormat! Great idea.

    Stopping by from the Girl Creative blog hop.

  10. I love this idea! I also love the little feet and the fact that you had to be mindful of a backwards 'w'. I'm the queen of ironing things on upsidedown and backwards. I'd like to give my crown to someone else! jules

  11. Hi stopping by from Friday blog hop
    I do love the doormat.

  12. Adorable! What a cute idea!
    Visiting from Serenity Now!

  13. I'm pretty sure I will be borrowing this idea!
    I LOVE it!!!

  14. What a fabulous idea! I bet to find a monogrammed doormat would cost double what you paid. Visiting from Serenity Now. Have a great weekend! :)

  15. This is so cute! What a cute fast idea!

  16. Very nice!

    Blog hopping! I'm your new follower and would love a follow back! Thanks!

  17. You are so creative. FUN too. I love how all your things have a W on them.

  18. So glad you linked this up, Kelli! I really want to give this one a try, and soon! I need some Spring sprucing up...after the snow they're calling for on Sunday, of course. ;) Thanks for joining the par-tay. :)

  19. A monogram is the perfect thing to dress up a doormat. Isn't is amazing how a new doormat can make an entry way so much more inviting? You must smile every time you walk through the door and see this.

  20. this is awesome ~ i love it!!!
    thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment on my light saber pretzel rods ~ i really appreciate it!!
    ps ~ love your blog design!!!

  21. Very cool mat, my maiden initial was W. Who doesn't love fast and easy projects?! Thanks so much for visiting my blog! I felt so honored to have a comment from you! (PS-I would l-o-v-e to be a featured friend sometime!) Love your blog, and I have always gotten a happy chuckle out of your blog name, love it! :)

  22. I love this! Thank you!! I love tht you can monogram your run in any font tha yu want. Awesome! Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog! Linky parties are so much fun!! I'm glad you liked the Cadury Egg cookies too. I hope you get a hance to try them :) ♥- Katrina

  23. Awesome!! I love monograms and I have a bunch of "W's", too!! Come visit my blog and check them out!!

    Hugs ~~ Suz


  24. I really like this cute & easy idea. And I love the name of your blog. Thanks for you comment on my blog, BTW.

    Warmly, Michelle

  25. Wonderful idea! I'm so glad I found your sweet blog :)

  26. Really cute idea! Gives it a personal touch!

  27. haha love the little helper feet. This is a great idea. I'll definitely be on the lookout for plain doormats from now on! Stopping over from Someday Crafts.

    liz @

  28. hiya , "super" idea and tutorial ,another "i'm gonna make that" to add to my list !, tfs , i am visiting from someday crafts and am your newest follower maybe you will pop by mine and follow too

  29. What a great idea!! Great job!!


  30. So cute!! Great idea, it really looks so easy to make and darling!



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