Monday, March 14, 2011

Miscellany Monday

A. I had a TON of laundry to do on Friday...and Eli helped me out a little:) The boys were out of school on Monday and Tuesday last week for Mardi Gras and for some reason that totally through off my {sad excuses for a} cleaning routine. I like to try and finish up most of the laundry on Monday so I don't feel like I am folding clothes every day of the week. That didn't happen last week, so I had a ton of stuff piled up on Friday. Ugh! I hate laundry, but it was a little easier with my helper moving clothes from the dryer to the living room for me to fold!

B. I sort of got my craft room in a little better order this weekend. I'm hoping to finish cleaning it up so I can make Eli a St. Patty's Day tie kind of like this one that Mandy from Sugar Bee Crafts made! Isn't it the cutest thing ever!

C. I picked up a new door mat at Lowes yesterday while we were there shopping for some other stuff. It was kind of an impulse buy, but it was on sale so that makes it okay! I love that it is plain but still interesting because of the pattern....though I'm thinking about stencilling a big W on it just to make it a little more fun. Now I just have to figure out how to make a stencil big enough because I know my Cricut won't cut a letter as big as I want for this.
D. Today is Pi day. 3/14. That is kind of fun:) I have seen a few different pies {and some cookies} made to celebrate today. I'm thinking I may throw together an apple pie out of all the apples that are sitting in my fruit bowl getting old!
 Hop over to Carrisa's and check out everyone else's miscellanies and see her cute new button:)
Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters


  1. I'm also doing TONS of laundry today :) Isn't it funny how having them home from school just one day can throw the whole week off?
    And that tie is just too cute!

  2. i spent last week doing everything BUT laundry...and have a mountain of laundry to do now this week but i got so much stuff done last week AVOIDING the laundry it's okay. :) i adore that tie. and i'm sure you'll do a fantastic job making it! :)

  3. Folding and putting away the laundry is def my least favorite. That is the one household duty that I'd love to put off on someone else. I don't mind anything else, but the laundry, er.

    What a cute tie! You are so creative! Do you find this stuff online or in magazines or do you just come up with it?! If it's the latter you should think about writing a crafty book!

  4. I try and get all my laundry done on the weekends because I just don't have time and don't feel like doing it during the week.

    I like the idea of stenciling the W on that mat! It will be so cute!

  5. I have the same door mat! Found mine @ Marshall's for $6.00!

  6. Loving your blog! Even though it's only three of us ..(my husband, 9 month old son and i) our garbage cans and laundry baskets fill up FAST!!!

  7. Love that you can just whip a pie together. So jealous. Love that tie too. So cute.

  8. why is laundry always such a pain in the rear?! ha! Every time I feel caught up...all the hampers are full! I find any excuse I can to not do it! That Eli is sure a cute little helper!

    I love that little tie, so cute!

    I've never heard of Pi day! But sure sounds like a good reason to have pie! ha!

    Happy monday!

  9. I think I'm a little weird, because laundry is one of the chores I actually enjoy! Don't you just love those sweet little laundry helpers? :) And that tie is SO adorable!! Heading off to check it out now...

  10. awesome, my laundry helpers usually jump on the clothes after I fold them :)

  11. The laundry must be contagious...I've got piles of it too!!!

  12. YOu gotta love the Mega Blocks wagon, he's a great helper, and you are lucky. I did absolutely nothing over the weekend. Rested up as I'm exhausted.

  13. Laundry wagon! I love it. :) I think a monogram would be awesome on the rug--very cool pattern it has. :)

  14. Pi day; dang, if I had only known ....

    I'm thinking disposable clothes are highly underrated, but that tie is ADORABLE! My son may be 18, but I just may do it.

  15. Awww, I love your little laundry helper! Our dryer had a little mishap on the move from one house to another, so we were without it for a couple of days, and let me tell ya, the laundry piled up fast! I finally got all caught up today. YAY!

  16. oh my goodness. that tie is too cute. love it. have fun with it!

  17. I love your little helpers laundry cart!! And that mat is really fun - what a great pattern.

  18. Good luck with your laundry! And yes that shirt is super cute!

  19. I love that mat...I need a new one so bad. I may have to swing by Lowes!

  20. Of course, the crafter in you has to think of a way to make that rug even cuter! Love it!

  21. That tie mkes me wish I had a little boy... ohhh & some crafting talent too :)

  22. Gotta love it when they want to help. When it comes to laundry, I'd take all the help I can get.


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