Friday, April 1, 2011

Featured Friend Friday #3

Kelli asked if I would like to be featured at her Featured Friend Friday!!  
What? Who? Me?
 I was thrilled and honored immediately nervous about talking about myself :)
I love blabbing about others 
(totally not in the 'gossipy' way)
but I have a hard time yakking about myself.
BUT, in the event that someone cares to ya go!

I'm a (late) 30-something mama of 2 little ones.

The lizard (soon to be 5) and the ladybug (soon to be 3).

I started blogging last year.

Mainly it was my way to keep track of all the great ideas I see.

A way to organize all of the projects I wanted to try.

I'm a big fan of DIY'ing and I hope I inspire others to try diy'ing too.

A short list random facts:

I LOVE planning parties.

I hate letting people help me.

I eat candy in 2s.  (if there's one left, I won't eat it)

I run to old school rap music.

I am trying to teach myself graphic design


Most of my projects/crafts/messes are centered 
around the lizard & ladybug.  
Simple, easy and practical are my main requirements!  


The lizard started preschool this year

so I've had a good time with classroom treats and teacher's gifts.  
These treats were super easy.
(and basically free)


I am currently planning a combo Pirate Birthday Party.

(the lizard & ladybug have birthdays 4 days apart)
Here is the latest 'big' party we had.

(we ended up with 25 kids, I think).  
I love sending people home with goodies from a party!


Thanks for reading all about me.
(I hope it wasn't too much)
Come over to lizard & ladybug and follow along.  
I'd love to have you!

Staci thanks so much for sharing your creativity with us today! I've actually featured one of Staci's cute projects on my blog before HERE....she is just that creative! Be sure to hop over and give Staci a little comment love:)
Have a great weekend and don't forget to enter the Shabby Apple giveaway and the Kari Machal Designs giveaway.


  1. Congrats on being a featured friend. You love planning parties? Man, you can come plan my parties anytime!!

  2. I am a loyal follower of Staci! I LOVE seeing everything that she creates by hand. My kind of girl! I also love her not so fancy, but always fun approach to parties and her committment to involving her kids in most everything she does. She is just awesome! Perfect choice for featured friend!

    Christy @ A Simple Favor

  3. I love the cupcakes in a cup! So simple but so cute.

  4. Those cupcakes are too cute! My favorite part? Two in each! I'm overly hungry lately.

  5. THANK YOU Kelli for the honor!!!
    It makes my day! :)

  6. When it comes to teacher gift ideas, I'm coming straight here!


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