Monday, May 2, 2011

Miscellany Monday

Teacher Appreciation Week starts today, which means my craft room is full of fun teacher gifts that have to be glued, painted, and assembled. Today I sent a fun little bag of highlighters with THIS cute printable on it! Such a fun and easy idea! I have few more things started, but I still have a lot to make too:) Plus I have to send cookies Wednesday and Thursday! I think this may be a busy week!

This weekend I got a new toy that is going to make mixing all that cookie dough a lot easier! I will share a picture with you went I get it up and running on her maiden voyage tomorrow:)

We officially started using our Countdown to Summer Board today....19 days until summer!
If you haven't entered the Elmer's Craft and Tell giveaway, you still have a few more days to win some crafty goodies that you could use to make your own Countdown to Summer Board!
We finally got all the boys' Easter candy put away last night. Seriously there was just so much stuff that it was I let it sit on the kitchen counter for over a week! Sad I know, but I told Jason he had to help me clean it up because if he didn't I would want to eat all of it:) Easter candy is evil...and clearance Easter candy is even worse!
Jason and I did the Cinch 5 Day Fast Forward again this week. I am down 10 pounds this morning from what I was last Monday morning! I am SUPER excited and I am also determined to keep it off this time and lose more. I am slowing inching my way toward my Disney World goal:) We are going to Disney in August of this year, so I know I need to be in pretty good shape so I don't die of heat exhaustion....and so I can wear some cute shorts too:)
I have a few giveaway posts I hope to get ready for y'all this week and I have a few guest post to work on too so there may not be a whole lot of crafting going on this week {other than all the teacher appreciation stuff I'm working on}.  I do have a fun Cinco de Mayo snack to share with you and hopefully I can get it up before the actual holiday so if you want to give it a try you can!
Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters


  1. Hi there! Stopping by from Miscellany Mondays! Love your blog! Have a great day! Here's my post if you want to stop by!:

  2. so cute...i want to borrow that great idea for teacher appreciation week this week too!

    so awesome for you for losing 10 lbs! please come help put our easter treats away...i'm eating ALL the chocolate...SO EVIL!

    have a great week!

  3. Our Easter candy is still sitting around, too. My kids don't even eat it, and luckily, I'm not either this year!

  4. Love the highlighter idea (and the tag is adorable)!!

    Disney will be fun - we should try and hook up :)
    I'm only ~20mins away!!

  5. I threw out the rest of the candy the kids received. COngrats on the 10lbs down, that is awesome!!!

  6. Great job with the 10 pounds! That is absolutely amazing. And i love that countdown chart. I'm thinking this household needs to have one as well.....:)

  7. Love the count down to summer! We have one going on our chalk board in the kitchen. I can't wait! We are left with only 14 days of school left!! Woo hoo! :-)

  8. I just love that Countdown Board!! I just stuck our candy up too...out of control!! :s Thanks for the visit today. :)

  9. You're so awesome!!!! Love that board!!!!

    OHHHH, and teacher appreciation week is this week too!!!! I totally have no ideas!

  10. 10 lbs is incredible. Seriously. I've been trying to lose weight {FOREVER!} in a focused way since February 1st and have only lost 8 lbs. 10 lbs in one week sounds WAY better than 8 in 3 months. I've never heard of Cinch, but am totally checking it out!

    Looking forward to seeing your new toy. :)

  11. You are so sweet to spoil the teachers and that printout is adorable. I'm sad that I'm missing our Teacher Appreciation Week because we love, love Jamison's teacher. I'll have to be sure to do something for her when we get back :) 10lbs is awesome...maybe I should think again about doing that.

  12. The highlighter idea is adorable! I'm thinking next year for Teacher's Appreciation Week my fellow homeschooling mamas and I should get together and make treats for one another ;)

    Congrats on the 10lbs! WOOHOOO! I know I can't lose any weight right now, so I'm super excited about the prospect of getting in shape and losing some serious poundage after little miss arrives. :)


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