Monday, May 16, 2011

Miscellany Monday

1. I have been doing the Couch to 5K program for the last couple of weeks with a few of my friends. We started out barely able to jog the 90 seconds and today we jogged for 20 minutes without stopping! It is hard for me to believe that we made it this far in just 6-7 weeks. I'm not sure how far we jogged because we are slow we have been more focused on time instead of distance...but I'm thinking we did around a mile and a half today!

2. Friday is the boys' last day of school and I don't know if I'm excited or nervous! Summer means entertaining 3 SUPER energetic boys all day long! Thank goodness my mom has a pool:)

3. Eli has decided that it is fun to ride his tricycle in the house. So now every time I turn around he is dragging it in the back door to ride. I would have never let Henry or Grant ride their tricycles in the house...I think I'm slacking with the third one!

4. Today I am sharing a fun spray paint tutorial at 3 Sun Kissed Boys. Go over and check it out, leave some comment love, and also check out all the awesomeness that is Yanet's blog too!

5. The rest of my week is going to be filled with making end of the year teachers gifts and working on scrapbooks for all 27 kids in Grant's class! I am totally not a scrapbooker, so I've been putting it off for a while but now that we only have 4 more days of school I have got to get  busy. Procrastination at it's finest I guess!

6. Don't forget about the Thank You Cards Shop giveaway that ends tonight! The winners {there are two} gets to pick 10 free cards of their choice...and let me just say the choices are all SUPER cute!

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters


  1. LOL at slacking off and letting Eli ride his trike in the house. Sounds like me!! Good job on the couch to 5k program. I want to try you buy the program?

  2. Congrats on the couch to 5k!! I remember when I started running & thought I would keel over after ~2 mins!!!

    My son has been out of preK (while they are moving buildings) for 2 1/2 mths - basically a summer's length. Hopefully, he will start back up this week. I can't imagine having 3 of them at home :)

  3. Congrats on the couch to 5 k! Ive been saying I was going to do it FOREVER and just havent. What do you do with the kids while you do it? (I need ideas lol)

  4. Stopping by from lowercase letter's linky! I have done the couch to 5k as well, great program!

  5. Way to go on your couch to 5K! You're doing great!
    I can't believe this is the last week of school for your boys. Dylan has about 4 more weeks, but I think he started a month later than your boys. I hope you have a great summer!
    I've always let my kids ride their tricycles in the house...probably the reason my floors are so scratched!

  6. You go Kelli!!! I am so proud of you! You should be thankful that you don't have me as your workout partner. ;-) Keep up the good work, and enjoy your last little bit of quiet time before summer break begins.

  7. Congrats on your Couch to 5K! I started with some of my friends recently....I started the Week 4 schedule this week! :0) It's been wonderful and I am so excited about the program. We are all going to do a half marathon together in November so we decided to do this program and then it will lead us into the Half Marathon training program next. I love am so excited for you! :0) Your frame is adorable!
    Thanks for all you post, everything you do inspires me! :0)

  8. Thats brilliant! Theres a smaller park here with a track that goes right around it!!

  9. Congrats on the achievement! Getting in shape feels so good.

  10. WOW! I'm so proud of you - I'm not sure I could jog even 90 seconds!! :)

  11. love that frame! :)
    congrats on your achievement!!!

  12. I just printed off Couch to 5K and so I'm glad to read that you enjoy it and that it's working for you. I absolutely need to work on a gift for Jamison's teacher because I adore her...I gotta get that done soon. That's a really cute frame redo!

  13. Wow! Way to go. I am def not a runner either but that would def be a great accomplishment!

    Friday is our last day too and I've been so busy with everything else that I completely forgot about teachers gifts!! Thanks for the reminder. I have to get to the store before Friday.

  14. too funny, for the last few weeks we have had a tricycle in our house. no idea why my daughter wants it inside right now

  15. I am doing the C25K running program too. I'm on Week 4 right now. I haven't run day 1 yet, today was my day off. I am LOVING this program!

    And I love your picture frame, I am going to have to go over and see how you made it.

  16. Great job Kelli! I am not in shape at all...I'm pretty sure I could jog for about 30 seconds! Way to go!

    We have two more weeks until school is out and I'm the same ready, but not ready to give up my free mornings! The summer always goes too fast though!

    Love the frame!

  17. Congrats on the jogging, that's awesome! As a jogger myself, my advice is to just take it slow and yes, don't worry about distance. Just relax and enjoy the "runners high!" :-)

  18. yay on the couch to 5k...i admire you for jogging. i really need to excercise more. i make so many excuses.

    hayden is out of school for the summer on wednesday. it seems so early. oh & he gets away with so much more than layla would have. hahaha!

  19. Wow, they are getting out of school soon! I can't wait to hear and see what you make for their teachers! I need ideas! I totally failed during the appreciation week!

  20. cute frame! you are so creative; i'm certain you and your three boys will have a fabulously fun summer!

  21. Good for you. I recently got a treadmill & I have been pretty good about getting on it every night. I soooo want to lose some weight but mostly I jsut want to play hard wiht my kids without getting winded LOL.

    Scrapbooks for 27 kids... WOW, you really are SUPERMOM!!!:)


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