Friday, July 29, 2011

Just a Little Thank You

For the past few years, I have been the preschool director at our church's VBS. That basically means I am the organizer and that I have a ton of great volunteers {lots of moms, one dad, adults, and youth from our church} that work with me to make VBS a success. At the end of a  long week of working with cute {but sometimes unruly} preschoolers, I like to let my volunteers know how much I appreciate their help by giving them a little happy! I usually make some yummy cookies, but after my Fluffer Nutter cookie fail I wasn't up to baking any more this week. So when I saw these really cute little hand sanitizers in the school supply section of Target, I knew they would make a great Thank You for my volunteers!
 These little bottles are the perfect size to toss in your purse, backpack, or car but they were just a little too plain.
 I decided to add each of my volunteers' monogram to the front of the bottles just to dress them up a little. I started by pulling off the front sticker of each bottle, then I sprayed them down with this lovely stuff. I've never used Goo Gone before, but after it removed the sticky residue from 40 little bottles in less than half an hour....I am in love!
Then I used my Silhouette to cut out all the letters that I needed out of white contact paper. If you've never tried to use contact paper instead of vinyl in your craft cutter, I highly recommend it. A huge roll of contact paper cost around $6, and it cuts perfectly with most any craft cutter {I've used it with my old Cricut and my Silhouette}! After about an hour of peeling and sticking letters,  I ended up with an army of cute monogrammed hand sanitizers!
 And I even managed to make on for myself:)
Now all my volunteers will know how much I appreciate them, and they will have clean hands!


  1. Those are very cute and I'm sure they loved them!

  2. What a great idea! I directed VBS for the first time this year and whoa, did it wear me out... I had no idea! I'm sure your volunteers will feel appreciated.

  3. Great idea. I'm thinking Christmas stocking stuffers with these. Any graphic or design could be added.

  4. Very cute!! Great idea on using the contact paper.

  5. Very creative and great idea for a gift.

  6. Cute idea. I need to try contact paper in my!

  7. Those are so cute...I have the same bottles. If you are in charge you ARE really busy. I volunteered with our VBS once and it was a lot!!! You're amazing.

  8. What a great idea! I really need a silhouette to do things like this.

  9. This is such a great idea. You are truly one of the most thoughtful people I know.
    Have a great weekend!

  10. what a great idea...I'd love to get that as a thank you gift! totally refill-able too

  11. These turned out great! I actually had the same idea and recently bought regular size bottles to personalize for my boyfriend's amazing chemo nurses. But I have to replace the blade on my Silhouette and have to wait for it to get here before I can make mine. Thanks for the Goo Be Gone tip, I'll definitely use it!

  12. You are always so thoughtful. I bet you are the hit of any party!!!

  13. Very creative! How nice of you.

  14. Your volunteers are sure to love and appreciate this thoughtful gift.

  15. And now I have a Thank You for you, too. I have a blog award for you at my blog:

  16. Great idea! I would love to do this with travel sized lotions! Thanks! Would love to have you link to my party this weekend too!

  17. this is a great idea! my friend tried the blue blade and the contact paper didn't cut all the way through. which blade did u use? thanks

  18. Those are incredibly cute. Great job!

  19. Those are just too stinkin' cute! I totally need to make some!

  20. Very cute! I think I'll make one up for my daughter!

  21. You are so sweet and those are so cute.

  22. Great idea! I didn't know contact paper would work so well.

  23. So cute!!! I didn't know contact paper would work...I'm sooo getting that!

    what font did you use? it's cute!


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