Friday, July 22, 2011

National Hot Dog Day....Maybe

At the beginning of each month in the summer my boys get a calendar of children's activities from our church. Our children's director always includes fun facts and even more fun holidays, along with the normal church activities that are going on.
Earlier this week I notice that July 21st was labelled as National Hot Dog we made plans to go to our favorite drive in to celebrate. After a little research, I found out that depending on which website you visit you could actually celebrate National Hot Dog Day on more than a few different days:) One website said July 19th, a few said July 21st, but the majority said that it was actually tomorrow Saturday July 23rd. I don't know which is right, but since we had already made plans, we ate and celebrated National Hot Dog Day yesterday {July 21st}...and maybe we'll have another hot dog tomorrow {Saturday, July23rd} just for the fun of it:)

So if you are looking for something fun to do this with your kiddos weekend, why not celebrate National Hot Dog least one website says that it's tomorrow:)


  1. That's a great idea...and that last picture looks super yummy :)

  2. We have an amazing place here for hot dogs, with their own sauce, it's yummy. I may celebrate tonight:)

  3. Hooray for hot dogs! :) We may just have to celebrate :)

  4. It is crazy how there is some sort of nat't. day or holiday like every day of the year. Looks like you made it fun for your kids!

  5. I love hot dogs. I know a lot of adults don't like them, but I really do.

    Have you seen that infomercial for Mr. Hot Dog or whatever it's called, where it basically slices/presses a hot dog into something shaped like a man? It cracks me up.

  6. yay! we are totally celebrating tomorrow at our local hot dog stand! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Now I feel way cooler than I am for making hot dogs for lunch today!

  8. Oh man that totally makes me want an Edd's Drive In Chilli Cheese Dog ....and Chilli Cheese burger since I can never decide which one I love more lol Love your blog!

  9. I had no idea that hot dogs had a day. Very cool. Love it!! I love chilli cheese dogs. Too bad it's not on my diet. :(

  10. How fun!! Hot dogs should have an entire week :)

  11. A few years ago my mom gave me the book "Every Day a Holiday" ...after reading your post I checked it and it says that July is National Hot Dog MONTH! celebrate on!! :)

  12. Natalie loves hot dogs--thanks for the heads up, Kelli!

  13. Alex only eats hot dogs...he will LOVE that there is a special day for it! ha! so fun! That chili dog looks delicious! we will have to go grab a hot dog tomorrow maybe at Dairy Queen! ;-)

  14. Justs found your blog today. Omg, this is going to be hours of fun reading. And so many tips and recepies. Fun fun :)

  15. I'm a lurker coming out of the shadows to finally comment!

    I wanted to let you know that there is a website that has a list of fun "holidays" for each day:

    I have no affiliation with the website; I just think it is fun to plan a little something unusual sometimes!

    Thanks for your inspirational website!

  16. Now that's confusing! I bet the kids would be content to eat hot dogs everyday!

  17. Love it! My boys would love National Hot Dog Day too! I really enjoy reading your blog! You have a lot of great ideas! :)

  18. This so made me hungry for a hot dog! Good thing I need some supper and I got hot dogs in the frig! I just love reading your blog.


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