Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Ugly Patio Box to Cute Outdoor Seating

We bought a patio box a few years ago to store all the boys outside toys. At the time it was really functional for keeping all their toddler riding toys, sand buckets, and their Fisher Price Bubble Mower in one place instead of all over the yard. We even used it as a seat sometimes, but over the years our patio box took a beating. It even had a hole in the top that I'm pretty sure came from a baseball bat. So when I started our patio makeover I knew something had to be done to our old neglected patio box.
The first thing I had to tackle was the big hole in the top of the lid....and it was duct tape to the rescue! I simply used stripes of duct tape on the outside and inside of the lid to seal up the hole.
 I bought a piece of foam and cut it to size with a bread knife...I've also heard an electric knife works well for cutting foam, but I was too lazy to dig ours out of the back of the kitchen cabinet:) After removing the lid from the box, I sprayed the lid with spray adhesive and stuck my cut to size piece of foam on it. Then I sprayed the top of the foam with spray adhesive. I placed the fabric upside down on the ground and carefully positioned the foam/lid onto the fabric.
 Using screws and my hubby handy drill, we attached the fabric to the lid after wrapping the fabric around the outside edge of the lid. I wasn't sure how a screw would work on the plastic lid, but after we found the right kind of screw it was no problem at all. I have no idea what kind of screw we used, just that some of the ones that we had wouldn't work:)
 This is what the inside of the lid looked like after I finished attaching the fabric and foam. If you try this make sure that you pay attention to where the hinges are so that you don't cover them up with fabric. My hinges where on the right side in the picture below which is why it looks different than the other three sides.
I impatiently waited for Jason to get home from work so he could reattach the lid for me. I tried a few times but couldn't figure it out:) Once the lid was in place, we had a great new seating area on our patio!
You can check out the rest of our patio makeover here!


  1. We have a similar bin in our backyard and it would definitely benefit from a cute makeover like this!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wow Kelli...great way to make use of what you already have!

  4. First off I want to say that your patio turned out great! I just thought I'd post one comment as opposed to several. :) Second...what a great way to revive that box! We have a similar one and it looks terrible, thanks to the weather and the sun. This is a great way to keep on using it! I think that ours needs some revamping!

  5. This is cute! What a great idea! Love that fabric! Would love to spray paint the bottom portion with one of the gorgeous colors in the fabric. Krylon has some awesome spray paints for plastic.

  6. So great! Loving that fabric too.

    I got a kick out of this line :: "I have no idea what kind of screw we used, just that some of the ones that we had wouldn't work:)"


  7. I think it looks great! I was wondering how you did the cushion! Thanks for sharing the step by step. Do those bins stay pretty air tight? I wanted to get one, but T (who is terrified of spiders) said no b/c he was positive we'd get a bunch of spiders in there.

  8. you are so resourceful. i'd never think of this. but now i will. : ) the fabric is beautiful!

  9. what an awesome idea!! i love love love your patio. i wish i could have an ounce of your creativeness!!

  10. That is the cutest fabric! Looks great!

  11. Such an easy makeover, and it looks great. Such a cute seat!

  12. I am a new follower and I just wanted to say hi! :)

    I really love the fabric that you chose, what a great way to spruce things up!

  13. You're so good!!!! Seriously..you probably have saved $$$$ on DIY projects!!! And they are so nice!

  14. You took a bin that looked like it had seen better days and turned it into something fabulous. I love the cheerful fabric that you chose. I'll bet that a bunch of bloggers will look for a bin like yours at a yardsale to rehab after seeing this cute project.

  15. You make everything seems so easy! Great job.

  16. Love it! Also love that you have duct tape in your makeover signature color, yellow ;)

  17. Love it! Turned out so great :)

  18. Great idea, much cheaper than buying a new one. Looks lovely!

  19. Your husband knows how amazingly creative you are right? I was just thinking how I would have just gone out and bought another one, but you take old and make new. BEAUTIFUL!

  20. oh oh oh! i just got really excited! We have an outdoor patio box that I just think is an eye sore. Great way to make it a functional and gorgeous piece.

  21. I have a box like that and never would have thought of that. amazing!!! Found you on Remodelholic and TT&J's facebook page.

    I would love for you to link it up at my weekend Link Party, Once Upon a Weekend. Today is my first-ever party, and I am so hoping someone will participate! :)

    Here's the link if you're interested:

    Also, if you have a list of favorite link parties, I'd love to be included on Fridays. Thanks a ton!

  22. Looks great! I need to get one of these for my back yard for all the kids stuff... maybe one with a cushion would look on my front step also!

  23. wow!!! looks 100 x better for sure!


    come link it to my woot woot wednesday linky party!


  24. What a great makeover!! Love the way it turned out. I've featured it on a post I made today about storage chests and linked back to you of course!


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