Friday, August 5, 2011

Eli's Art Class

Henry and Grant have only been in school for two days, but I can already tell that Eli is missing them and getting bored quickly. That means I'm going to have to break the arts and crafts supplies and start working on some fun stuff to keep him busy!
Yesterday we used big paper and crayons to make an Eli.
I love how he was concentrating so hard just to make some circles and scribbles!
Looks just like him, doesn't it:)
What kind of things do you do to keep your preschool entertained when the big kids go back to school?


  1. How fun! It looks just like him-what a great job! :)

  2. That is so cute. He looks so proud!! Thankfully, daycare handles all the crafts around here.

    Have you heard of adding water and food coloring to Elmers glue to make "goop"? Buster brought home a bag of it the other day. He thought it was the greatest thing ever.

  3. How sweet! I miss the days of having a little one at home. This is how we decided Kelsie should be born. ;) I have no idea what we did when she was little. That's so sad. I'm sure there were a lot of sitting on the floor and playing with her. And I know crayons and play doh were things we did. And I'm sure there was too much tv involved.

  4. That is a great idea! For my toddler, I went to JoAnn's and scooped up all the little wooden crafts with washable markers. They were marked at $1.00 and $.50 each so I picked up about 20 of them for about $17.00. It keeps my little Bulldozer busy!

  5. You are such a good mama! He is so cute and so is Paper Eli. Do you have a Mother's Day Out or MOPS near you? I know you'll have fun things planned for Eli this're so creative.

  6. Oh my gosh...HOW CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And it is so sad when siblings miss each other! That's how my youngest son was when my other son went to camp for a week!

  7. That is adorable! He looks so proud. I could probably do a better job of keeping Michaela Byrd entertained. We do a lot of shopping. :s She'll be going to preschool 2 days a week this year, so Im going to try to keep her home the other three days.

  8. aww, he loves it! i can't believe your kids have been in school for two days already. the summers fly by more and more each year.

  9. Love art projects... so fun to see what they create. I post young children's art projects weekly on my blog and art finds.
    Can't believe school season is here my oldest starts in a few weeks!

  10. I make more babies.


    Try that, miss thang. ;-)

  11. Oh my but he is a cutie!!! And I cannot believe school has already started for y'all. I feel like summer has just gotten underway here ;)

    HAHA, love Heidi's comment! :)

  12. So cute! Good idea, I'm going to have to try this one.

  13. that is a great idea! love your art class :)

  14. I love this! I am absolutely going to do this with my son and daughter! Too cute!

    New follower.

    When my oldest is in preschool, the youngest and I clean. So basically, I need ideas on what to do as well. :) Definitely following along in the comments to try to get some ideas!

  15. I featured your waffles post on my back to school breakfast post. Stop on by! :)

  16. So cute, he id a great job. Zoe will be in preschool this year. I'm deciding to go back to work to keep busy!

  17. How cute is he?!?!
    I need to find something to keep my daughter busy..big brother starts KG next week!

    oh..I ordered 2 of those lunchboxes :)

  18. I've always kept my flour in a 16 quart plastic container with a lid. When my cherubs were little, they LOVED to play in the flour! I'd give them spoons and measuring cups and sifters and they'd stay busy for minutes! My littlest cherub is 9 and just played in the flour the other day! It's still entertainment!

  19. haha! so cute! i think Ellie will miss alex and emily...they have been with her every day, and have been such great helpers when i need to get something done! but i'm hoping we can get her on a schedule when they're in school...she doesn't understand the idea of napping unless moving {car or swing!}

    I'm sure he will get in his own groove too once the year gets going! that's what I'm telling myself when we start next week, ha! ;-) GREAT pictures!

  20. Aww, how cute! I bet he misses his big brothers. Lexie is going to be in school 3 days a week this year, so I'm not sure what I'm going to do on those days. Spend lots of time bonding with my baby, I guess!


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