Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday Morning Quarterback

...or maybe just Saturday morning PeeWee Football:)
We had a day FULL of football this Saturday. The day started with Grant's 9:00 am football game. His team played hard, scored a touchdown, but lost by a few points...mostly because the other team was WAY bigger than our team. One boys on the other team was probably as big as three of our boys put together! But the Golden Eagles held their ground and played hard anyway!
After Grant's game, we came home to watch a little bit of college football on tv and eat some yummy pizza. Then we headed back to the football field for Henry's game that afternoon. Henry {#54} is the one in navy that is down on the line and ready to go. His team played hard and won their first game!

 Eli spent the day cheering in the stands! He says Henry and Grant are #1!
Did you watch any football this weekend?


  1. Aww, way cute! He's looks so cool in his football uniform! I don't think my boys will ever play, they are tiny, like in the 5% for their age.

    We watched the Vikings play...err, lose!

  2. we watched TONS of football! And these pictures make me SO excited about a few years from now when my boys are playing... can't wait!

  3. Oh my what a cutie-he looks awesome! Evan has been talking about wanting to play football one day.

  4. I can't wait for football games...hoping Caleb likes it :) We actually went to our local HS football game on Friday. It was a big rival game. I love how Henry was in position and ready to go! And tell Grant the Golden Eagles will get 'em next time :)

  5. Sooo cute!!

    Buddy can't join football until he's 8, and even then, I think it's going to conflict with his hockey schedule and he might not be able to play. He's really bummed (mom's not though...I worry because he's so small!)

  6. You'd better believe we watched some football! One thing I LOVE about football season is that we enjoy both college ball AND pro ball! NFL football is by far our favorite pro sport.

    I lived in Clinton, MS when I was in high school and have fond memories of going to a few USM football games. I can still hear "S-OU-THERN. . . Southern Mississippi. . . U S M!" Do y'all live in Hattiesburg?

  7. Super football players...being watched by a super football fan! It will not be long before he is out there playing too.

  8. Go Team! (Can you tell I was a cheerleader?) ;) We don't watch much college football, but I like to watch NFL every once in awhile. T watches religiously if he is home. ;)

  9. That is so cute, way to go little dudes!

  10. So cute, and congratulations on the win! We never have sports on unless people are over. That being said we love watching the fights UFC fights:)

  11. We watched tons of football this weekend and tonight. We love football!!

    Cute pic of Eli cheering his brothers on :)


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