Friday, December 2, 2011

Making a List...

I sat down earlier this week and made a list of all the craft/snack/decorating projects that I want to do before list has more than 25 things on it! That means I have to finish at least one project {maybe even 2} every day between now and the 25th for me to get everything crossed off my list! I don't think it's going to happen!

You would think with a list that long I would get busy trying to cross things off...NOPE! I did get our Advent Calendar on the wall. It looks really cute, but it is completely empty:) I also managed to get the boys' stockings hung even though we don't have a tree or even a plan to go get a tree yet! And instead of tackling my list, I worked on something that wasn't even on my list: my front porch that still had pumpkins and footballs all over it!

I took down all the pumpkins and the footballs and added some red and green in their place! I hung up a cute wooden sign that I bought at a craft fair. Then I whipped up a wreath with some red burlap and leftover Christmas fabric. It's not much, but at least it's not still fall decor!
Even though our front door looks SUPER cute now, my list is not any shorter! Plus there is still a ton of other decorating and light hanging to be done! Please tell my I'm not the only slacker who still has a ton of stuff to go to get ready for Christmas!


  1. I can't even make a list :) So many things I want to do!!!

    Your front door looks really cute! I love the wreath!

  2. You know what you should do...write that on the list and then cross it off :) And just so you know...I have done NOTHING for Christmas.

  3. Love it!!! That "Happy Birthday, Jesus" sign is awesome!

  4. If it makes you feel any better I still have pumpkins on my proch I need to take down, along with a tub with garland that needs to go up:/...maybe I should go do that now

  5. I guess I shouldn't ask you to help with my list then. ;-) One more thing to add to your about it all.

  6. No way! You're not crafting away going a mile a minute?! I find this very hard to believe. :)

  7. Love the Happy Birthday Jesus sign. Did you make it yourself? I need something like that. I am a new Twitter follower visiting from Tatertots and Jello. Vicky from Mess For Less

  8. It looks great! I have at least 40 items on my to-do list, and I wanted to get an advent calendar - but it would all be eaten in one day. ^^;

  9. I love your door! You are going to be busy this month!

  10. I'm loving that "Happy birthday Jesus" sign! I'll have to add that to my ever growing list!


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