Monday, February 6, 2012

Football, That Stupid Pig, Ice Cream Sundaes, and Airstream Progress

So did you watch the big game {and the commercials} last night? I have to admit that we really aren't fans of either of the teams that played last night, but we were cheering for the Giants...mostly because the Mannings have a little bit of Mississippi history and that history trumped the fact that Tom Brady's girlfriend is a supermodel {you know, because supermodels affect the teams that people cheer for}.

Anyway, we dvr'd the game because we had church last night, so when we got home Jason got busy with the fast forward button while I fixed dinner {aka put a couple of delicious slices of Papa John's pizza on paper plates}. We normally fast forward like maniacs through dvr'd games, but this one was different because half the fun of the Super Bowl is the commercials so we couldn't skip all of them! We did skip over most of the beer commercials and ALL of the Geico commercials {Please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks that squealing pig is the most obnoxious thing on tv?!?}. We LOVED the M&M commercial, but honestly there aren't really many great ones that I remember:) Lots of celebrity cameos {Seinfeld and Leno} and two products in one commercial together {Chevy and Twinkie} which just seems kind of weird to me! 

Now everybody knows that yummy food is SUPER important for proper Super Bowl viewing. We had dinner covered with pizza, so that just left dessert...and I had something really fun planned for us this year! Last week I pinned these adorable ice cream sundaes that I knew my boys would love! They're called Super Bowl Sundaes and they were created by Katrina. I recreated {aka copied} her dessert without changing much, because really they were pretty close to perfect! The one thing I did change is that I used chocolate to attach my sprinkles and I didn't pipe on my chocolate, I just kind of smeared it on with a spoon. I figured my boys would devour these before they noticed that the audience wasn't perfectly placed:) Anyway here are a few pics that I took of the process, but head over to In Katrina's Kitchen to get a great step by step and see her {not quite as sloppy as mine} version!

Other than watching football this weekend, most of our time was spent working on the Airstream and planning for our big trip. Jason has been making pretty good progress lately. The bathroom is completely put together and fully functioning. We still need to get light fixtures and figure out what we are doing for a mirror, but all the plumbing is working and there are no leaks! We ordered our flooring a few weeks ago and it should be in one day this week. I am SUPER excited to get the flooring in because I know it is going to totally change the look of everything because right now the floor is white painted plywood! I helped out yesterday by painting a shelf that Jason built in the front of the Airstream. 
We had originally planned to paint the shelf white, but I remember that we bought some {almost avocado} green paint back when we bought the paint for the walls. So I made the executive decision to go with green and add some color, because up until now everything has either been gray or white {with the exception of the boys room in the back that is a pretty turquoise/blue color}.

We also sat down and mapped out our trip and decided where {and when} we are going. Using google maps, I added in all our stops from start to finish. The trip should take around 17 days and during that time we are going to drive more than 5,000 miles! That just seems a little crazy to me...but I know we are going to have such a great time and see so many amazing things! I'm planning to take a few more pictures of the progress we've made on the Airstream and share it later this week, and {if I can figure out how to do it} I am going to share the map showing all our stops along the way.

Now, I must go do laundry because this morning I was digging through a pile of clothes trying to find uniform pants for Henry...and because all of Eli's clothes are piled up in a basket in the living room and they have been there for almost two weeks...and because there is a load of mine and Jason's clothes in the dryer that has been there since last Monday. Sometimes I get lazy and leave that last load of laundry in the dryer:) 
Miscellany Monday @
lowercase letters


  1. Good thing you got the bathroom working...with three little boys that's the most important part! :-) Congrats on the progress, can't wait to see where you guys go! 17 days will be awesome, what a getaway!

  2. It's not just you...that pig gets on my nerves! I missed the M&M commercial, but I'm sure they'll play it again or I can find it on YouTube. Those dessert cups are just great! I think it's awesome that you're getting close to getting the Airstream done...where are you going?

  3. I loved the Dannon Oikos commercial with John Stamos, so funny! And yes the M&M commercial was great. Those desserts look yummy. It sounds like the Airstream is coming along great:)

  4. Wow. You are making a lot of progress on the Airstream. I didn't realize you were going on a trip...that's probably because I've been MIA a lot lately. A vacation sounds fun, although I vowed to never drive any further than 6 hours from our house after our fiasco last Christmas. ;-)

  5. I didn't get the Twinkie reference either until my husband explained it. He said Twinkies never go bad, so they survived like the Chevy trucks.

  6. Maybe I'm the only one who "got" the Chevy commercial...I thought it was funny, but not nearly as good as the Seinfeld Acura commercial. And I thought the one that Clint Eastwood narrated was brilliant. It would have made a fabulous political campaign ad, but was very moving all-around. Fit that state of the country perfectly!

  7. Your Airstream trip sounds amazing! :) Can't wait to see the details of what you have planned.

    The pig? Yes, he's annoying. I love the E-Trade baby but I think they're having trouble coming up with really cute stuff for him now.

    Those sundaes are cute! :)

  8. I have LOVED following your Airstream post, and thinking of all the work you two are doing on it, then thinking of your family going on your 17 trip...canNOT wait to hear all about it, and see the finished product!

  9. i'm seriously always jealous of your airstream. in a nice way! : )

    the superbowl sundaes is entirely genius!!! awesome!

  10. No way! That is seriously the cutest thing I have seen! Clearly you are beyond creative! Love this so much! Next year :)


  11. Those sundaes are adorable! So jealous of your airstream - you guys are going to make the most fantastic memories driving around the country with that. Thanks for sharing.

  12. You bet the Mannings have a Mississippi connection! Of course you had to cheer for the Giants. Actually, we are Colts fans, but the Giants are next on our list. My 14-year-old was so happy with the outcome of the game. And I was happy for him--he had a terrible week last week, so this was a sweet way for him to begin this week.

    I love reading about your Airstream; I look forward to seeing the route of your trip. You're so smart to do this now!

  13. I'm so happy your family liked the sundaes!!! They look fantastic! Thanks for the shout out! xo- Katrina

  14. Your superbowl desserts are adorable!!!
    I was not a big fan of the commercials this year. None really stood out to me.

  15. Those sundae cups are PERFECT! They make the Superbowl so much better haha. ;) My boys would love them!


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