Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Roadtrip Ready: Make a Padded Camera Bag

I have wanted {and needed} a nice bag for my DSLR camera since the first day I bought it. I got the plain black camera bag at the store when I first bought my camera...and it worked fine when I only had one lens. But when you start adding lenses and accessories, those standard black bags just won't cut it. I have drooled over some fancy leather camera bags online, but I just can't make myself spend $100 or more on a bag {and yes most of my purses cost less than $30 and are from Target or Kohl's}. So a few weeks ago when I saw this AMAZING tutorial from Make it and Love it I knew that instead of continuing to drool over camera bags, that I would just make my own.

I started out with a bag from Target that cost $15. The thing that I liked about this bag is that it has the longer strap, so you can wear it across you chest...that way you can do a million other things and not worry about dropping your camera bag. And even though I love the leather bags that I've seen online, this fabric one was way cheaper and I can just toss it in the wash if it gets dirty!
I {kinda/sort of/halfway} followed the tutorial from Make it and Love it and created this cute little padded insert that slips right into my bag. All you need it a little bit of foam and some pretty fabric. I'll  let you click over to the tutorial for the details because although my bag is functional for me, I didn't include a lot of the extra things {like Velcro to hold the divider in place} that the original tutorial did.
After I made the padded insert, I just slipped it down into my bag and added in my camera. Now my camera has a pretty and safe place to stay while we are roadtripping across the West this summer:)
How do you keep your camera safe when you are on the road?


  1. That turned out cute! I need a bigger camera bag!

  2. How cute!!! Love that pretty fabric. I already need a bigger bag, and I've only used my JoTotes last summer and a few times in the Fall. :s

  3. AWESOME! Jeremy and the girls got me a JillE bag a couple of years ago, and I like it, but it's a little big and awkward. I still use it because it has plenty of room for my camera and lenses, but I LOVE your bag. And I've thought many times of making my own. Or at least an insert. I'm with you. I haven't bought a new purse in YEARS. Diaper bags, on the other hand . . .

  4. Very cute! And I love the idea of making it yourself so that you can get it exactly the way you want it. :-) And I love the bag you got from Target to use in creating it!


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