Monday, June 25, 2012

Roswell and White Sands, NM: Day 3

We loaded up and left Carlsbad bright and early on day three...we had a full day of travel and fun planned. Our first stop was the {quirky} town of Roswell.
It was early on Sunday morning so most of the town was still sleeping I think:) We only had a little bit of time to spend here, so we took a quick walk around the little downtown area....
...took pictures with aliens and ufos....
...and bought a couple of {alien} souvenirs. 
Then we started our first {scary} trip up and over mountains to get to White Sands National Monument. It was a pretty eventful trip! Someone pulled out in front of us and we almost ended our big roadtrip on day three! Luckily Jason was fast on the brakes and managed to not hit {the jerk} who pulled out in front of us. After a stop to calm our nerves {and eat some local tacos} we were back on the road heading to some White Sands FUN!

This place is AMAZING! Out in the middle of nowhere there is this beautiful area of white, sparkling sand that seems to go on for miles! The boys had such a fun time running, sliding, jumping, and smiling for pictures. Jason and I had a good time too, but I'll spare you those funny {& sort of embarrassing pictures}. We only had about two hours to spend at White Sands National Monument, but if we ever come back this way I will be sure to include more time for us to play!
We we left White Sands, Jason noticed that the camper breaks didn't seem to working just right. We managed to make it down {a HUGE} mountain, and we found the closest Walmart. He assumed that he just needed to add a little bit of brake fluid to the system, but when we stopped in the parking lot he realized it was a lot worse than that. When Jason had hit the brakes so hard to avoid hitting {the jerk} that pulled out in front of us, part of the brake line broken in half....meaning we drove down those massive mountains with no brakes on the camper! We survived though....
 ...and after a trip to Auto Zone and two hours of working on the brakes, we were able to get back on the road to Albuquerque. 
We watched the sunset down into the New Mexico horizon as we drove and drove for what seemed like hours on the interstate. That night was our first ever experience driving the camper at night. It was kind of scary, but I was glad that there were at least other cars around. We ended up not getting to our campground until almost 9 pm, which meant we parked, used the restroom, and then went to bed...hoping that the next day would be a little smoother!


  1. Those are some great pictures of the boys! That white sand is awesome against the blue sky.

    Don't you just hate bad drivers?

  2. The white sands pictures are gorgeous! What an awesome place!

  3. Vacations are about the memories! You'll find that owning a trailer is like owning a boat . . . everytime you take it somewhere, there is something you have to fix or purchase! My husband I say it's not the cheapest way to travel, but it sure is fun!!!

  4. Oh those pictures of the boys with the blue sky and white sand . . . GORGEOUS! Just gorgeous.

  5. JERK. But I'm so glad you guys are safe and that you all were able to fix the problem that the (JERK) caused. That sand looks so cool, especially against those beautiful blue skies!!!

  6. OK, another spot on my To-Do list is the white sands. So beautiful!!! I love the street shot of the boys- frame-worthy for sure.


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