Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Water Your Garden in Style

Spring has sprung in Mississippi which means the grass is turning green and if you want to plant anything, now is the time. We were pretty successful with our grapevines last year, so this year we decided to try out a little gardening. When I say little, I mean little...we started with four strawberry plants and two tomato plants. Spring is Jason's busy time at work and I have the exact opposite of a green thumb so we didn't want to plant too much our first time around. Jason made a raised bed out of landscape timbers, added in some soil, and planted our garden:)
 I knew I wanted the kiddos to be involved too, so we set out to find some cute watering cans for them. We found some at the dollar store, but there was just one problem. If you have been a reader of my blog for long, you know my love of color coding things for my kiddos and you also know that Henry's color is blue, Grant's color is green, and Eli's color is orange. We got Henry and Grant taken care of, but all that was left for Eli was a pink watering can!
 That wasn't a problem that a simple coat of spray paint couldn't take care of though:) I used an old can of orange spray paint and {halfway} covered up the pink.
 I also used a paint pen to personalize the water cans for the boys:) Then they got busy watering the garden!

Do you plant a spring garden?


  1. I love those watering cans! I think I may do that when we plant our tomatoes!! The kids will have so much fun watering them with personalized buckets.

    I have a feeling they will water more than the tomatoes! haha! Kids and water...always fun and messy!

  2. I love the personalized watering cans! We just started our seeds this past weekend, and as soon as the frost season is over(usually the start of May) they'll go in the ground. Thanks for sharing.

  3. So cute!! We don't really have a garden (our yard isn't big enough), but we'll sometimes plant things in pots. We've done tomatoes and peppers and chili peppers before.

  4. Your garden looks great! I can't wait to get started on ours. It snowed yesterday here. We usually can't plant until after Mother's Day.


  5. What a fun (and colorful) way to get the kids involved!

  6. I have that pink water can! Hehe.. now i feel the need to go paint mine orange, and I do have some left over orange spray paint. lol

    We don't do a garden. We live in the city limits and the hubs don't eat veggies!(!) I know. I guess opposites do attract!

  7. So sweet! We didn't get the garden in last year b/c T never had a weekend off when I didn't also have something going on. :s I love that you get the kids involved. I need to find larger watering cans like that so I don't have to constantly refill the girls' buckets.

  8. super cute, I now want to go out and get my kids their own watering can to decorate for when its time to start watering up in the north! Nice garden!!

  9. You are so funny Kelli. Love how you spray painted his can. Hope the garden is successful!

  10. If your grapes this year look anything like last years grapes...you are in for a real treat!!! Happy Gardening to you all. ;-)

  11. I love your garden. We typically don't plant one, but we should!

  12. Very cute watering cans. Yes we garden. We do garden in raised bed like you do 16 x 24. Container gardens, hanging gardens, and this year we are even going to community garden a plat bigger then our raised bed. Not only do we grow veggies but I have a few flower beds and I am in hopes to plant two more this summer, one being a hummingbird/butterfly garden.

    We don't have any luck with fruit though. Getting the boys started early is a wonderful idea! Good for you.

  13. I want a new watering can! :) How exciting that you're growing your own garden. I think we've discussed my lack of a green thumb before. But someday I'd like to do strawberry plants again. We had so much fun checking for strawberries every day. I'd also like to do raspberries . . . yum!

  14. hiya another "super" cute idea

  15. You are such a good mama Kelli. I love how you include your boys so much and make special things just for them. We have too much shade in our back to do a garden and I'm a little bummed about that. I'll just have to shop at the farmer's markets :)

  16. So cute! I also do NOT have a green thumb. I have two little cedar boxed that I let the girls pick out 2 veggie plants each & then a couple flowers. They always choose cherry tomatoes & they LOOOVE watching them grow. I also just started a little flowerbed last year, it looks REALLY sad right now. As soon as it stops raining my plan is to add a little color. Hope I can keep it alive :)

  17. I LOVE this idea!! I am a big fan of color coding everything for the kids, and what a great way to get them out in the garden with me and give them something they can do to help! (although it will be sometime before we get our garden going, still a little too cold and too much a chance of frost here!)

  18. Yeah, a pink watering can wouldn't have flown in my house either. As my 4-year-old would say, It's girly!

  19. I love it ... we've just started our season of gardening here as well. Love the personalized watering cans. My kiddos would love those too!


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