Friday, June 12, 2009

Photostory Friday: Cookies for My Cookie Jar!

I decided that I needed to bake some chocolate chip cookies to add to my SUPER cute cookie jar that I made for Heidi's Monthly Craft Challenge. After two different stops at the store last night, I had everything I needed to make a massive amount {a double for the cookie jar and one for my friend Karen*} of SUPER yummy cookies! The baking started at 9:00 pm and ended a little before midnight! There is nothing better than late night cookie baking!

I think my new cookie jar looks even better now that it is full of SUPER yummy chocolate chip cookies! What do you think?

* Please remember my friend Karen and her family in your prayers today. She found out yesterday that she had a miscarriage {her second 2nd trimester loss in less than a year}. Just remember her family and pray that they lean on God during this extremely difficult time!

PhotoStory Friday

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek


  1. those cookies look yummy.
    my heart aches and dropped for karen and her family. you can count on me. i'm praying!! for god's perfect peace. if she needs a stranger to vent to...feel free to pass my email to her!

  2. Oh, those cookies look so good! I seriously could devour that whole jar!!!!
    I have said a prayer for your friend Karen. I cannot even begin to imagine...
    Oh, and I posted a response to your tag today. Thanks again for including me! :)

  3. I'm seriously salivating right now! And I would've had them all eaten in those late hours of the night! LOL! Looks so cute in your jar and yummy!

    So sorry about your friend...praying for healing and comfort.

  4. Yummy!!! You should bring some to the beach Sunday (if there are any left by then) LOL!!!

  5. Oh they look delish!
    Sorry to hear about your friend's loss.

  6. I'll be by in a little while to pick up some cookies...LOL. J/K, but they really do look yummy! I may just have to go make some.

  7. Those cookies look delish and the jar is really cute with the monogram on it.

    My thoughts are with your friend. I can't even imagine what she is going through.

  8. Now I want some cookies really bad! They sure look yummy. Our thoughts are with your friend also, One can only imagine the anguish she is going through!

  9. I think I mentally just ate three of them!! Dee-lish!


  10. Those cookies looks soooo yummy! Nothing quite like fresh baked cookies. So sorry about your friend. I can only imagine the emotional toil this is taking on her and her family.

  11. Kelli!!! YUMMY!!!!! That looks really good!! You'll have to keep that jar filled up at all times!!!

    That would be a wonderful gift for someone too!

    Would you do a giveaway including the cookies? LOL!

  12. OHHH..I forgot to say, I will be praying for your friend. I've had two miscarriages before and I know how devastating that is!!

  13. You just made me so hungry. I would have never made it to the cookies. CC cookie dough must be my favorite thing EVER!

    I will remember Karen. That happened to me and I will never forget how it feels.

  14. YOU'VE BEEN TAGGED! (hehehe)
    Visit my blog and see what's up!

  15. cookies look super yummy, cookie jar looks super cute as mentioned! blessing to Karen. I too had to miscarriages and it is heart wrenching!

    my blogging friend, would love some comment love on a post about my son's school not being happy i am a blogger...the support would greatly be appreciated!

  16. So sorry about your friend.

    That cookie jar would be empty again in no time at my house!

  17. Doesn't everything look better with Chocolate Chip Cookies?

  18. I presented you with an award on my blog!

  19. Wasn't at church and had no idea...oh God bless her!

  20. Do you need my address to send me a few of those? ;)

    The jar looks great with it filled!


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