Thursday, August 11, 2011


No, I'm not talking about eggs:)

Lately I feel like life is scrambled...jumbled...a big crazy mess. I know it's just because we are busy with the new school year starting, but man even this summer it felt like we never slowed down. And I know even though we have a vacation coming up, life won't slow down then either {We are a go, go, go kind of family on time to relax by the pool when there is stuff to see!}. It has gotten so bad lately that even an afternoon nap with Eli isn't helping:)

I feel like life has become a big jumble of  busyness with school, planning and research for our Disney vacation, and watching Jason helping work on the Airstream. Other than my Disney Countdown, I haven't had time {or wanted} to craft in weeks....hence the lack of craftiness here on the blog:) I still have stacks of projects waiting for my attention in the dining/craft room, I just don't have the time or energy! The deadline {9 more days} for making vacation themed crafts is quickly approaching so I hope I find the energy soon:) I'm hoping to make the boys some fun t-shirts for Disney and I have some water bottles for them that are screaming for a few vinyl Mickey' they need autograph books and some sort of birthday hat for Grant to wear since we will be there on his actual birthday!

I did start back jogging this week. And even though it is WAY TOO HOT to be jogging in Mississippi, it felt good to be exercising again. I'm hoping I'm not the only one who thinks summer is not the time to exercise, but the time to enjoy ice cream cones and stay cool:) I was kind of disappointed with my jogging though....back in May I had worked up to doing over 2 miles, and after not keeping up with it this summer I was only able to manage 1/2 mile at a time! I'm hoping to do a modified version of Couch 2 5K and get back closer to where I was at the beginning of the summer.

Jason and I spent a little time yesterday sorting through the kids' collection of Disney Movies in preparation for our trip. He made a list of some movies to add to our collection, and I spent a few minutes alphabetizing the ones we have....because organization makes me happy:)

I also spent part of the day making a list of things we need for vacation.....ponchos, water bottles, and first aid kit are the first few things on my list.  We will be prepared for rain, heat, and boo boo's:) Now on to the dreaded packing!

Since I haven't been all that fun, crafty, inspirational the last few weeks, I figured I would share a few amazing links I have come across lately.
*Check out Jen's awesome kitchen sneak peek...I love the color of the pantry door!
*Julie shared this really yummy recipe that is on my To Make list...and she not usually a recipe kind of blogger!
*Amanda shared a hilarious post about her new swagger wagon:)
*One of my newest blog finds is Leslie's blog The Mommy Therapy. She is real, and honest, and FUNNY!


  1. Exercising outside in the summer is horrible. I can't do it so always wait until fall to do my jogging. I hope you have a wonderful vacation! We woke up to 50 degree temps this morning, so nice!

  2. Girl, I am impressed that you can do a 1/2 mile. I don't think I could make it to the end of my (very short) driveway! Give yourself some credit too b/c it is HOT out there!!

    LOve your movie collection. It looks a lot like ours. I LOVE Disney movies. I think most of ours are on VHS (from yard sales). I have the newer ones on DVD or Blu-Ray, but I need to start collecting the others on DVD when I see them in the stores. So envious of your big trip! I can't convince T to agree to do it. :(

    Thank you so much for the shout-out! :)

  3. I hope things settle down for you.

    Getting organized always makes me feel happy too. When I feel overwhelmed, I start making lists. Lots and lots of lists. Even a list of what lists I need to make. ;-)

  4. Isn't it funny how we feel bad for not being able to do EVERYTHING!! We put so much expectations on ourselves as mothers, we need to allow ourselves to be human! You are going to have an amazing time in Disney, don't stress about the small stuff :)
    Luv, Shelby
    *Your blog is my morning inspiration,you are doing more to help mothers than you know.I read your blog every morning while having my cup of Jo! God Bless!

  5. First off- thanks for linking to me!!!! My first recipe post and I am now famous. :D

    I went for a run the other day and barely survived a mile. I don't know if it was the heat or if I really just lost that much by not going out 3x/week. But you're right, summer is NOT the time to exercise outdoors in the south. It is just to plain hot.

  6. I love getting ready for vacation! You guys are going to have such a great time and I can't wait to hear all about it. Summer has been fun, wild and crazy and it's catching up to me. I wouldn't change it though...just hope to slow down just a bit. I start walking in this nasty heat too for some reason but I had to do it right away or I was going to put it off again. Keep up the great work...something is better than nothing and soon you'll be able to jog further than before :)

  7. I am with you 100%, I think summer is the time for staying cool with snow cones and ice cream and definitely NOT running outside! I'm in Arkansas, so running outside in the summer seems like inhumane torture to me! I also have recently started back running, after I had to take a long break due to shin splints. Good luck on getting back into it!!!

    Can't wait to hear all about your trip to Disney!!!

  8. Kelli, I've known your blog for a long time. . . why is it that I've never before been an official Follower? I don't know. Because, unlike you, I am NOT organized (although my movies are in alphabetical order!). Anyway, I've just fixed that. I'm official now. :)

  9. sound a lot like me! We went non stop this summer. But, now that school has started believe it or not I feel things slowing down a bit. Probably because both of mine are in school. :(
    I'm with ya on the heat! I've been wanting to try the couch to 5k but haven't yet. My excuse has been summer. Now that school has been in for a week, I still haven't gotten off the couch!

    Your Disney countdown is AMAZING!! I love it! I did a countdown (not as cute as yours) for our first Disney trip and it was so fun for the kids! We are going to Disneyland in a few weeks, so I should do some sort of countdown. Can't wait to see pics of all your cute vacation projects!

  10. Here's my stroke of genius moment for getting ready to go to a pack of glowstick necklaces/bracelets or other fun thing from the dollar store for the "Electric Light Parade" at night. It entertained my boy and got me out of the whining for a glow-in-the-dark balloon shaped like a mouse...for an arm and a leg. We had extra and shared with the kids next to us.

  11. even crafty critters need a break sometimes! : )

  12. I always find planning for and getting ready for a vacation very stressful. Your hard work will pay off once you get to Disney and start having fun.

    Great job on your exercise. I've had an injury all summer and haven't been able to run and I can't wait to finally be able to do so again. Please enjoy every step of your runs for me!

  13. Thank you so much for the link Kelli...and the kind words. I feel all sorts of pressure to say something funny now but I just returned from my Vegas trip and I feel all intelligence has been zapped from my body. That is a strange, strange place.

    Anyway, I'm so happy to have found your blog as well.

    Keep trying to get out there with the exercise. Even if you just walk for a while it's worth it. I do totally agree about the summer heat not being exercise friendly though. I will only run on a treadmill at the gym for that reason. Oh, and to lessen the distance I have to go to get back to a bathroom when I think I might pee my pants. Someone recently told me the quote..."Don't let the perfect get in the way of the good." I guess it means just doing something is good, better than nothing, even if it isn't what you really want it to be.

    Now that I have changed your life with my amazing words of wisdom, I'm sure your desire to exercise or do anything will skyrocket, right? organzied DVDs by the way, that is beyond impressive. When would you like to stop by my house? I'm open on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

    Thanks again!

  14. Its been too hot to do much of anything lately. I've been feeling not so scrambled, but a little lost! I hope you get everything figured out for yourself.

  15. Good for you getting your jog on. I hate running. But I love to exercise. Good idea to make a list of things you need for vacation. I always forget at least one thing and have to buy it while we are there.


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