Thursday, September 22, 2011

By the Numbers

The number of loads of laundry I attempted to do yesterday.

5 1/2
The number of loads of laundry I actually finished. I say 1/2 because the trusty load of whites is still sitting in the dryer getting more and more wrinkly every minute they sit there waiting for a fluff and fold.

The number of people who knew what the medicines were in the picture I posted yesterday.

The number of awesome blog friends who were concerned and emailed or commented on my Real Life post. Apparently I forget that even though I share a lot on my blog, I don't always share the more mundane details of my the fact that I have a chronic illness and have to take way too much medication for someone my age.

The number of shots that I have to give myself each week. Both shots are for rheumatoid arthristis which I was diagnosed with over two years ago. Here's the post that I shared back when I was first diagnosed with RA. Some things have changed since that original my doctor, my real diagnosis {I technically have something called Still's Disease which is a form of RA}, my meds, and how I feel{almost normal most days}.

The number of times Eli peed in his pants yesterday. He did not have a very good day and for some reason didn't make it to the potty in time more than once. That makes doing laundry not very fun...maybe I should attempt something similiar to what Leslie is doing with her little boy:)

The number of times I made Grant write his spelling words yesterday. I still don't know how he is going to do on his test because he CAN NOT stop mixing up his b's and d's! One of his words is dad and I'm pretty sure his test is going to come home on Monday with the word bab on it!

The number of days I'm going to be spending over at my mom's house helping her with a's kind of like a jewelry party on steriods:) Check out this website to see the stuff we will be selling.

The number of crafts I have worked on this week that I want to share with you. I have a ton of things on my list that I really want to work on...but I just can't find the time or the motivation! I'm hoping I at least have some fun door decor to share next week because it is time for my summer stuff to come down.


  1. I love "by the numbers" posts.

    Poor Eli (and you). Hopefully today will be better!

  2. I'd say 5 1/2 is pretty darn good for laundry in a day! I did 0 yesterday. ;)

  3. I hope you're feeling better! I completely sympathize with you on the laundry. I told my son to get the towels out of the dryer and put them on my bed. He says, "There's nothing in the dryer.". I open the washer, and see the wet load of towels, I had washed on SUNDAY, and never put in the dryer. Ugh! So, rewashed those, and washed an dried another load of clothes last night...and I didn't start the laundry until after 7 pm.

  4. This just reminded me I need to get off my but and get some laundry done. I still have a load sitting in the dryer from last night.

  5. There is a fun thing I use to do with my students as a spelling word assignment... to make writing them more fun... It's called a Whatchit, basically the child draws a picture or shape (can be anything) that fills up the WHOLE paper (use the big sheets of paper or 2 8X11 sheets taped together). Then they write their words all around the outside of the shape as many times as they have to. They use the inside, too if they need more room. It was fun and they got to feel creative while practicing their spelling.

    PS loved this post, especially the 1/2 load of laundry... I have 3- 1/2 loads just waiting for me in the laundry room right now!!

  6. Love this post. I have a load of laundry that needs fluffed and folding I think I'm waiting til tomorrow, bad me. Gav use to mess up his d's and b's as well. He'll get better!

  7. Kelli, I actually just posted a little trick for those b's and d's that I used to use when teaching first grade. It really helps.

  8. love this 'numbers' post!

    I too have some laundry waiting for the fairy to come fold it :)

  9. I'm sure I knew you had RA, but I didn't remember it. I have hypothyroidism and fibromylagia and so this Couch to 5K thing has been good for me. It takes a long time for my legs to heal in between runs, but the sense of accomplishment is huge when I know what I'm fighting against (besides just the weather).

  10. 5 1/2 loads is pretty darn good! BTW, I count that half as done. :)

    Glad you have "normal" days most days.

  11. I love posts like this. I have tried to write them before, but I don't seem to be very good at it.

    I started laundry last night and will probably be doing it through Sunday. *sigh*

  12. Poor thing! I need to do some laundry myself...

  13. I had no idea you had rheumatoid arthristis. It doesn't show in your posts. You are always so busy!


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