Friday, September 23, 2011

Friday Flashback: Craft Edition

**I haven't been very crafty latley, so I'm sharing a little flashback craft. This fun Mod Podge project was originally posted back in November of 2009.**
Fall Mod Podge Pumpkins
This is how our project ended:
Despite the major mess and the {now} dry and scratchy carpet, our Thanksgiving/fall pumpkins turned out SUPER cute!

Just in case you want to make a HUGE mess and some SUPER cute is the list of supplies and steps we followed to make them.
Plastic pumpkins {mine were $1 at Walmart}
Scrapbook Paper {8 sheets for $1 at Target}
Mod Podge
Paint Brushes
Tear scrapbook paper into small pieces
Attach the paper to the pumpkin and continue to coat it with Mod Podge until all the paper is wet and stuck to the pumpkin really well. This is the messy part, because the only way to make the paper stick really well is to work it with your hands! Eli and I worked on some painting while Henry and Grant were finishing up their pumpkins. These SUPER cute and oh so chubby handprints are going to be turkeys and leaves once I get my paintpens after them! Just a little careful when painting with brown paint, because your kiddo might think it is chocolate and try to lick it off his hand! :)

Then use a foam paintbrush to apply a coat of Mod Podge all over the pumpkins and let them dry. 

Our pumpkins {coated with Mod Podge} drying on the table...picture taken by Henry {because I still had a two inch layer of MP on my hands}!

Our finished Thanksgiving/Fall Pumpkins!


  1. Those came out super cute!!! worth the mess ;)

  2. these are cute. Reposting is a great way to recycle. :)

  3. So adorable! What a great idea. :)

    By the way, I've nominated you for a Blog on Fire award. Go see my blog to find out how to claim it :)!

  4. Those are really cute! Thanks for sharing the how floor would probably be a victim in this project as well!

  5. They are adorable...the pumpkins and the kids.

  6. Those are so fun! I love the wordy pumpkin. :)

  7. They came out adorable! I can actually do this :)

  8. Those are seriously so cool! Of course they speak right to this autumn lovers heart! Have a great weekend my friend.

  9. These looks so great! I have this on my list of things to do for fall decorating!

  10. These are so so cute and kid friendly..Love it! I knew I should have bought those 10 cent pumpkins at the restore for a reason. Dang it! Going back to try and get some for this project.

  11. Those pumpkins are super cute! And actually gave me a much needed idea for a Fall Festival!

    And I am sorry about the Mod Podge on the floor! That stinks!!!

  12. Those pumpkins are super cute! And actually gave me a much needed idea for a Fall Festival!

    And I am sorry about the Mod Podge on the floor! That stinks!!!

  13. PS - I have heard that using vinegar sometimes helps break it up!!

    Good luck!

  14. Those are great! I would love it if you would link this up to my Pumpkin Addicts Anonymous link party going on now:
    I hope to see you soon!

  15. Cute! I'll have to try this with my kiddos. Thanks for sharing! I saw this on Tatertots and Jello.

  16. These are precious and I love the darling pictures of the kids so messy and enjoying the process!

  17. These look great!! I hardly believe they were made by little ones!!

  18. What a great project! :) I've featured this post on Craft Gossip here:

    If you would like a "featured by" button, you can grab one here:

  19. These are so fun - I love this (and how easy!)

  20. Love these! I featured this on my "6 Great Fall Ideas" list on my blog - come check it out if you have a second! :)

  21. One of the cutest fall crafts I've seen!


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