Thursday, January 10, 2013

10 on 10

 9:00 am: At the track getting in a little walk/jog.
10:00 am: Putting dinner in the crock pot.
11:00 am: Doing a little research for a ski trip we may take in a few weeks.
12:00 pm: Orange for a snack.
1:00 pm: Picking up Eli from Preschool
 2:00 pm: My day just isn't complete without doing a little bit of laundry!
 3:00 pm: Raining while we wait in the school pick up line.
4:00 pm: Boys playing with Play-Doh.
5:00 pm: Looking over Henry and Grant's report cards. They both got all A's!
 6:00 pm: Dinner is served.


  1. I am ready for the nicer weather to get outside and walk again! It's weird that we just had a big blizzard a couple weeks ago and now it's warmer and raining! Those are some pretty awesome report cards! Great job! Your dinner looked so delicious, I need to get back to menu planning again! Hope you have a great weekend! Looked like you had a good day! ;-) {except having to do laundry! ha!}

  2. I'm ready for the rain to stop!

    Uggghhh this post just reminded me I forgot to switch the laundry. Dang it.

  3. How fun is this post? I started picturing my own day in a fun new way! I want your crock pot recipe! It looks great!

  4. With having friends so far away it's so nice to "see" you throughout the day...almost like I'm there :)


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