Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Project Chicken Coop: Pinterest Inspiration

The week between Christmas and New Years at our house was spent working on a fun outdoor project: a chicken coop. We made quite a lot of progress during that time and I have a lot of pictures to share with you. But before I show you what we came up with, I thought it would be fun to share some of the inspiration that I found on Pinterest. It still amazes me how much stuff there is on Pinterest!



  1. Some of those are amazing for chicken coops. I know whatever you did was amazing as well, so I can't wait to see it!

  2. Those are so cute! I've been perusing them as well for our coop and some of them are over the top! I can't wait to see yours!

  3. How fun!! We love our chickens. Well, we love our hens. We don't especially love roosters ;)

  4. So glad I found your blog! I've always wanted chickens, you've inspired me to revisit the idea!


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