Friday, January 18, 2013

100th Day of School Cake: Step by Step

My kiddos have been in school for 100 days! And Grant's school is having a whole day to celebrate, including a short party where parents get to come and celebrate 100 days with them. I made this exact same cake last year for Grant's class, and I'm making it again this year...because when something is this cute you just don't change it up:) Last year when I made the cake, I didn't take the time to do a step by step tutorial mostly because I wasn't sure how it would turn this time I tried to get a couple pictures of the process so I could walk you through how to make this cute 100th Day of School Cake!
First gather your supplies. You will need two cake mixes, two cans of icing, two bags of M&M's, two round cake pans, and one rectangular cake pan.
Mix up the cake mixes according to the directions. Split one of the cake mixes evenly between the two round cake pans, and put the all of the other cake mix into the rectangular pan. Make sure to spray the pans liberally with cooking spray so they don't stick! Bake and cool slightly.
Use a circle cookie cutter to cut the center out of both of the round cakes. To cut the rectangular cake to shape, I just lined it up next to the round cakes and made it look as close to a one as possible {sorry I forgot to get a picture of that}. After all three cakes are cut, place them in the freezer for at least an hour. The cut edges are hard to ice, and freezing them makes it so much easier.
Take the cakes out of the freezer and crumb coat them with a thin layer of icing. I do this mostly because all those cut edges make lots and lots of crumbs, and I am terrible at icing cakes...and I can't stand crumbs in the icing!
Stick the cakes back in the freezer for about an hour so that the crumb coat of icing can set. Then get busy covering the whole cake with a lovely layer of icing.
Now it's time for the decorating! I poured my M&M's into a bowl to make it easier to find the colors that I needed. I put the M&M's around the top and bottom edge of all three cakes.
I followed a pattern with my M&M's, but you can just put them on randomly...or let the kids help by putting them on. I let my OCD take over a little bit and I put them on in order of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, brown.And yes I know that brown isn't in the rainbow, but I let it take the place of purple since there aren't purple M&M's.
When it's all decorated with those pretty M&M's you don't really notice the imperfect icing or the wonky number one! And the kiddos for sure won't notice that everything isn't perfect, so have fun with it and make a cute cake to celebrate 100 days of school with your kiddos this year!


  1. SO FUN! I wish I could do something like this, but we can't take "homemade treats" to school anymore. School Policy. Sucks!

  2. The kids are going to go crazy!! I love're awesome.

  3. This makes me wish I could bake homemade treats for our school, but we're not allowed. Love the cake, so fun!!

  4. This is adorable and I love the idea of a 100th school day celebration. I think this may b something I use when I qualify as a teacher :D xXx

  5. Adorable! I know the kids loved this! I should count to see how many days we've gone, it's got to be nearly 100.

  6. Love love love it! The colorful M&M's addition is easy, colorful, perfect!

  7. I love this idea! I'm sure kids would love it! I have a new Pinterest Power party and would love to have you share this and any other projects you may have if you have a chance!!


  8. Pinning, I love this idea! Must remember it for my kindergartener's 100th day.

  9. This is awesome - I love it! It looks delicious too. ;) I wanted to let you know I've nominated you for the Liebster Award! Basically it is just a way for new bloggers to connect with new bloggers and I thought it might help with getting your blog out there! Check out my blog for the details! :)

  10. That's so cute!
    I wish we could do this, but our school has a no sweets policy!

  11. I want to do this for our 100th day! What's the best way to get this to school. What did you put it on and what did you cover it with? Thanks. -Amber


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