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Showing posts with label Kids Artwork. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kids Artwork. Show all posts

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Art in the Hall

This project has been on my to do list for a few months now. While the boys were at VBS last week, I finally got out my supplies and started working on it.
The clothes line for the boys' art has been hanging in the hallway for a few years now, but it always seemed kind of boring...you know, except for all the cute art hanging on it. So after I got my Cricut in January, I knew that I had to find the perfect quote to hang above the boys' art.

What do you think?!?
I decided on this Pablo Picasso quote a while back when I did a blog post using the quote. I printed it out just to make sure that I got all the letters cut correctly. Then I went to work {or really the Cricut did} cutting out the letters on black vinyl.
I laid out all my letters and then worked out the spacing. I used transfer tape to line up the words and then attach them to the wall. I also drew a pencil line on the wall to help keep the quote as straight as possible.
Now the hallway seems much more complete!
I love what a little bit of vinyl and a little bit of time can do for a space!
Do you have any vinyl words or decorations in your house?

{For those of you that have asked, you can click here to see a little bit more detail on how to make the art clothesline.}
Serenity Now Crafty Cutter Party
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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Every Child is an Artist

My breakfast room table turned into the boys' art studio yesterday. While I was working on a project for Henry's class, they got out the paper, glue, scissors, crayons, and markers.
And started creating.
If you look closely there is a smiley face on this paper.
And Henry was so proud of the way he shaded this paper by rubbing a crayon on it.
Henry's masterpiece.
It is a man with a bamboo fishing pole who just caught a HUGE catfish:)
Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up. Pablo Picasso

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Friday, April 30, 2010

A Little Bit About Japan

Henry's class has been learning about Japan this week, and today they are having a celebration of Japanese culture, clothes, and food.
Henry wearing his kimono that he decorated with a tiger, Mt. Fuji, the Japanese flag, a samurai, and a dragon.
Henry wrote a story about all the things he had learned about Japan.And last night, I made {lots and lots of} Candy Sushi for his class.
Candy Sushi Candy Sushi How To:
Make a batch of Rice Krispy Treats
{3 tbls butter}
{10 oz bag of mini marshmallows}
{6 cups of Rice Krispies}
{Melt butter, stir in marshmallows until smooth, add Rice Krispies.}

Spray a cookie sheet with cooking spray and pour the batch of Rice Krispies into the cookie sheet. Press it down until it fills the entire pan. Let cool a little. {I made two batches, that is why there are two sheets of Rice Krispies}
Candy Sushi Line gummy worms up along the long side of the Rice Krispy Treat.
Candy Sushi Then roll the Rice Krispy Treat until the gummy worms are completely covered.
Candy SushiPress and mold the Rice Krispies into a long tube and then cut along the side of the tube with a very sharp knife. I got three tubes out of each sheet of Rice Krispies.
Candy Sushi Use that same sharp knife to cut the roll into approximately 1 inch pieces. I ended up with about 10 pieces per roll for a total of 30 per batch of Rice Krispies.
Candy Sushi After the candy sushi rolls are all cut, wrap them with a green fruit roll up. I found mini fruit roll ups that were the perfect size when they were cut in half.
Candy Sushi
Candy Sushi

I'm linking up with these awesome parties:
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Join us Saturdays at tatertotsandjello.com for the weekend wrap up party!


The Girl Creative

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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Henry's Lunch

This was one of Henry's homework assignments last week. He had to write the sentence and illustrate it. He was very specific about what he had eaten for lunch that day. He even included his sandwich holder and the ziplock bag his carrots were in! I added the labels, just in case you aren't quite sure what everything is!

Henry's Drawing:

Henry's actually lunch: What do your kiddos normally eat for lunch?!?

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