My name is Kelli. I am the wife of Jason, and SUPERMOM to three wild and {sometimes} crazy little boys: Henry, Grant, and Eli. I am stay at home mom with a bachelor's degree in Special Education that got one good year of use before I 'retired' to stay home with my kiddos!
I love to stay busy working on crafts, baking yummy treats, and trying my best to get a non-blurry picture of my ever moving children. I also LOVE to blog, and I love to make new blog friends. So thank you for stopping by my blog, I hope you will follow along with me in my attempt to be SUPERMOM!
Random Thoughts of a SUPERMOM!
DIY Forsythia Spring Porch!
5 days ago
adorable boys and fun projects too! I've bookmarked your blog, supermom!!
Loving your blog! Would love for you to check out mine, too!
I love your blog! You take amazing pictures and having the cutest ideas for projects. You're little boys are super handsome as well.
Lovely Blog Kelli. I was looking how to applique names onto towels to make personalised ones.
Great illustration. Am going to try to do it by hand though! Let's see!!
- Anu
Awesome craft ideas! I am a stay at home mom as well to two little boys. Thanks for the encouragement and ideas :)
Hi Kelli,
I have stumbled upon your blog and just LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!! I too love making new friends through this amazing internet with blogging! looking forward to your posts.
mom to Irish twins, Breck (11) and Destiny (10).
I ran across your blog by accident looking for Super Bowl decorating ideas and loved what I saw. I would really love the pattern you used for your Patriotic Wind Sock
Hi! came across your blog today through your post on serenity now about rainbow ice cream. super cute idea. love the blog. am now following through google friend connect!
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