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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A Craft of Olympic Proportions

We love watching sports on tv. My boys could sit and watch ESPN for hours regardless of what sport is on. I love that for the most part {minus some of the commercials} sports on tv are family friendly entertainment for all of us to enjoy. The Olympics are always fun and exciting for me, and this year all of my boys are old enough to really appreciate the idea of the Olympics. So I decided we would turn the Olympics into a bit of a learning experience by making a few flags from some of the nations participating in the Olympics.
 We started with a pack of cardboard flags that I picked up at Michaels. They have a ton of different cutouts available and I just happened to notice these the last time we were browsing. I got a pack of 12 flag cutouts for around $3. You could also just use sheets of cardstock or recycle some other white cardboard that you have on hand. Then I printed out a clip art sheet with some national flags on it. I chose 12 flags for the boys to color making sure to include the U.S.A and the U.K. {because they are the host country}. I mostly just picked the ones that I thought would be easiest for the boys to color.
 I gave each kiddo a blank flag, a box of crayons, and a small clip art picture of the flag they were going to make. I let Henry and Grant figure their flags out on their own, but I gave Eli a little guidance by drawing a couple lines or the shape {like the circle on the Japanese flag} and then let him color the flag in.
 After the boys were finished coloring, we hung the flags up in our living room. We happen to have these two {still unpainted going on two years} canvases hanging in our living room that were the perfect spot for our flags, but you could hang them on your fireplace or string them together to make a banner to hang on an entertainment center.
We worked on learning which country goes with which flag, and Henry already has all 10 of our flags memorized! Knowing the nation's flags is going to make watching the Olympics so much more fun and educational for the boys. I think we are going to take our Olympic craft one step further once the games start and keep track of the medal count on our canvases as well! I guess we need to get busy making some gold, silver, and bronze medals:)

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Monday, July 16, 2012

Candy Bar Ice Cream Pie

We love ice cream any time of the year, but we REALLY love ice cream in the summer when it's hot outside! We've been thought quite a few ice cream containers this summer making sundaes, banana splits, and root beer floats. This weekend I decided to try something a little different with our ice cream, and I ended up with a SUPER yummy and SUPER simple to make Candy Bar Ice Cream Pie!
 Start with a regular pie crust baked according to the directions on the package. You could also use a graham cracker crust or other kind of crust...an Oreo one would be really yummy with this.
 Scoop some ice cream into a bowl. We used plain old vanilla, but you could mix it up and try chocolate or maybe even coffee. Just estimate about how much you think you need to fill up your crust.
 Unwrap a variety of candy bars. I used the little snack sized Snickers, Reese's Cups, and Kit Kat.
 Chop up your candy and add it to the bowl of ice cream. You can also add in some mini M&M's just to make things more colorful and interesting:)
 Give your ice cream a good stir....
 ...then add it to your crust. I topped mine with a whole Reese's Cup. You could also add sprinkles or even a drizzle of chocolate syrup.
Place your candy bar ice cream pie in the freezer for a few hours or until it has hardened enough to cut into slices. Serve and enjoy on a hot summer day!

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