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Monday, June 22, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I did NOT have a SUPER busy week this week! I am NOT still exhausted from being so busy. And I did NOT choose to take a nap yesterday while everyone else went swimming because I was SO NOT exhausted!

I did NOT take all three of my boys to the doctor on Tuesday {Henry and Eli both needed well checkups}. I was NOT a little impressed that I made it in and out with all three of them and still felt somewhat sane! Henry is NOT growing like a weed, and ready {ears and eyes checked out} for Kindergarten to start. Eli is NOT above the 90% for weight, height, and head circumference {he did NOT weigh almost 25 pounds and was not almost 30 inches tall at only 9 months old}!

We did NOT go on two SUPER fun outings two days in a row this week. We are taking the summer easy, and I would NEVER overbook my kids!

We did NOT spend all day Thursday {the hottest day of the year so far} picking veggies at a U Pick Vegetable Farm, eating lunch at McDonald's, and swimming for hours! Then we did NOT spend all day Friday at a local water park playing in the kiddie pool, floating in the lazy river, and splashing down the slides!

While we were at the water park, I did NOT run out of sunscreen! I would NEVER forget to bring extra sunscreen with me when we were going to be out in the hot sun all day long! Because we did NOT run out of sunscreen, Jason and I did NOT both end up looking like red and white striped zebras! I am NOT still a little sore from the lovely sunburn, and I am NOT refusing to wear a real bra {gotta love a soft sports bra} until my shoulders aren't hurting anymore!

Yesterday was NOT my birthday! I am NOT 29 years old! I am NOT excited{really I'm not} about being another year closer to 30.....I mean only a year away from being 30!

Pin It!


Unknown said...

Fantastic pictures!

You better prepare yourself. Sending my first baby off to kindergarten was one of the hardest things I've ever done!

Theresa said...

Those are NOT the cutest pictures:) You do NOT look like you are a day over 20! This is NOT a belated Happy Birthday wish... AND, do NOT have a blessed day!

Emily said...

Too funny! I hope your sunburn is better! I can't believe Eli is so big...and I thought Charlie was a lug at 20.5 lbs! You probably have the BEST arm muscles! lol
Happy Birthday!!!!! Enjoy your last "good" year. I've been 30 for 3 months and am STILL boo-hooing about it!
And I think it's so funny that you picked veggies and then went to McDonalds! lol Totally something I would have done too though!

Shasta said...

It looks like you had such a fun time!! Happy Birthday to you!!

{Kimber} said...

Happy Belated Birthday...mine is Thursday & I'm NOT looking forward to getting another year older!!! {but I am looking forward to cake!! }

Aileigh said...

Happy Birthday! Taking three kids to the doc and still having some sanity left... you go girl! I am sweating just thinking about it! Glad you guys had a great day at the water park! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Kelli!!!!!!
Hope you had a great day yesterday! Did y'all go to the waterpark in gulfport? Isaac and I are planning on taking the boys over there in a caouple of weeks.

Foursons said...

Congrats on making it out of the doctor's office alive and in your right mind! That is not an easy feat. And you do have a big boy on your hands! Before long he will be carrying you around.

4 Lettre Words said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY (belated)!! I just celebrated my 29th...for the 7th time! :o)

Jennifer W. said...

Happy late Birthday! I didn't know it was your birthday!! 29's not so bad. Then again, neither was 30. ZBut I've never been one to worry much about age. I'd rather get old than the alternative!! :) That's funny about the dr. My youngest 3 all have an appt on Friday! Should be fun. Humph. You asked if all my Not Me Monday stories were from the same day and no, the one of Jacob was a different day-I'm not strong enough to drag them through Target and Walmart all in one day! But the Chick-Fil-A and Walmart stories were both last Thursday. BTW, which water park did you go to??

Tracy said...

Happy Birthday!!!! I knew it was June 20-something, I just forgot the exact date. I am totally stressing about turning 30 this year.

He & Me + 3 said...

Happy Birthday! I have never run out of sunscreen either. I just plain forget. Yikes.

Carrie said...

Oh, sunburn on your shoulders is not fun...I know your pain! But the fun sounds worth it! Glad you could rest and celebrate a milestone birthday...you young chicka! Happy Birthday!

godfrey said...

Happy Birthday! Look at the bright side, you have accomplished SO much for an almost 30 year old!

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