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Monday, January 11, 2010

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

It has NOT been freezing in South Mississippi this week! We have NOT been snuggled under blankets and drinking hot chocolate* to keep warm.

Despite the freezing temperatures we have been having, I did NOT wear flip flops one day this week. I did NOT drop Henry off at school and then walk Grant into preschool with my flip flops on....even though it was freezing outside. I would NEVER wear flip flops in 20 degree weather just because I was too lazy to go back to my closet and find socks.

I also did NOT make my kiddos wear a pair of pj's under their clothes on Saturday so that they would stay extra warm. Pj's do NOT make pretty good long johns for kiddos.

*Speaking of hot chocolate....I used random.org to pick a winner from my giveway on Friday. Congrats to Kelli from Outside My Kitchen Window! I will be sending you a SUPER cute hot chocolate themed prize. I am planning a few more giveaways this week...so stay tuned for your chance to win something!

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KTW said...

Congrats to (another) Kelli! :) Love the pjs for long johns trick. I'll have to give that one a shot!

Kelli said...

Thanks Kelli and Kelli (above!). I am very excited and I think it's so fun you are doing these giveaways. I've used jammies for long johns too! Stay warm.

Emily said...

It's been freezing here!! And congrats to Kelli!

Foursons said...

It's been cold here too but I can't go with out socks- my poor toes just don't handle it!

He & Me + 3 said...

I will take some of that hot chocolate as I sit here and drink my iced coffee:)

{Kimber} said...

yeah...SICK TO DEATH of the cold!!!!
your HC looks soooo yummy!

Anonymous said...

I put pj's under Easton's clothes friday before we took the boys to the movies. They make great long johns. I am glad that we are finally having some cold weather but i am over the frozen pipes, every day this week our pipes have been frozen until at least 11am. Even with a light on the pump and water running.

Suzi said...

It has not been freezing here in Texas this last week either, and I have not been loving every single minute of it! Nope, hate the cold.

Jenilee said...

pjs under clothes... yep! we do that here too! :)

Snapshotsofhappiness said...

we wear jammies as long undies too! Thanks...now I want that hot cocoa in the picture! :-)

The Scribbles said...

I love to do the pj's thing for my kids!! GREAT not me monday post!

More Than Words said...

Now I'm craving for whipped cream on my coffee!!

LOL, you are very brave for wearing flip flops in 20 degree weather!!

And congrats to your giveaway winner!

Angie said...

I am very tired of this cold winter, but we try to make the best of it!

Layla loves hot chocolate, she recently discovered it and can't get enough!

Yay for Kelli winning your giveaway!!!!

Carrie said...

Yay for Kelli! So fun! What a great idea!
Pj's make great long johns! And I would wear flip flops too...I can't wait to get those back out! Stay warm...that hot chocolate looks delicious!

Cascia Talbert said...

I never had my kids wear their PJ's under their clothes. It sounds like it would help keep them warm, but I'll take your advice and not do that. I hope the weather warms up for you soon!

Kerri said...

That is some yummy Hot Coco!

Miller Racing Family said...

We are having a heat wave in Missouri this week, I think we will get up to 40, yahoo. If you would have wore flip flops I would have thought you were a normal mom, hoping for summer days. Love the pj's under the clothes, you have to dress in layers, right.
Have a fabulous day!

Sugarplum Creations Blog said...

I'm actually done with winter altogether. It's not freezing here, but the fog! I feel . . . suffocated. And you're right, jammies do NOT make good long johns for kids ;)

Shauna and Ben said...

OH....YUMMMM! That hot chocolate looks delicious. I did NOT have to read your post twice because I started drooling and dreaming about hot chocolate as soon as I saw that picture :)

trooppetrie said...

i think wearing pj's under clothes is the easiest way to do it. do not have to dirty extra clothes

Catherine Anne said...

Love your blog. Nice to meet you.

Rumour Miller said...

That hot chocolate looks yummy!

Michelle said...

Hot chocolate? Yes please!

PJ's under clothes must be a cold winter place thing. You would love winter in the desert. Most of AZ is still wearing shorts! Not me though, my blood runs cold.

For the Love of Naps - Sarah said...

I have a Henry too. And my sister just had a baby and named it Eli....not that it has anything to do with the post.

Enjoy the hot chocolate....it is supposed to warm this week to the 20's up here in MN. Can't wait...but I don't think I will brave the flip flops!

erin said...

i did not also get a pedi last week when it was snowing...and it dosen't snow often in Ga at all...i know people thought i was crazy...they may be right. your boys are precious.. aren't boys the best?! much love and blessings~erin

Jennifer W. said...

You might be insane...I saw you with those flip flops on and my feet were cold for you!! You know how I feel about the cold. {in my best Forrest Gump voice}"and that's all I have to say 'bout that." My kids have been sucking down hot chocolate too, and we use pjs as long johns all the time! They work great!!

Sarah @HarriganHowdy said...

I totally wear flip flops in freezing temps too! lol. Loved your not me's.

Thanks for commenting on my not me's. :)


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