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Monday, April 26, 2010

Not My Child! Monday

This week I am mixing it up a little and doing Not My Child! Monday, a fun little twist on our weekly confessions of all our mommyhood shortcomings and oh-so-embarrassing incidents. This week I get to confess all the NOT so great things that my kids have done.....so go check out My Charming Kids to see all the things everyone else {& maybe their kiddos} has NOT been doing!
Eli does NOT have a love of buckets, NOT specifically buckets on his head. He has NOT been cultivating his love of buckets since September of last year. I do NOT think it is SUPER cute and adorably funny, so I do NOT take pictures of him eveytime I catch him with a bucket on his head!

While on our way out to lunch a few weeks ago, I did NOT let Grant chose where we went to eat. The conversation did NOT go something like this:

Grant: I want to go to the place with the wheelbarrow in its' name.
Me: {totally confused}
Grant: You know the one by Target with the wheelbarrow in its' name.
Me:{ still totally confused}
Grant: That one! {pointing as we pass by Cracker Barrel}
Me: Oh, now I get it:)
Thanks so much to everyone for entering this weeks FREE 4 All Friday. I used random.org to pick a winner, and the winner is: Bridget!
Also, go check out my Applique Towel Tutorial that is being featured over on Tip Junkie today:)

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Anonymous said...

Awww he is so sweet. Zoe went through the stage of buckets. Gavyn taught her how to run around and say I'm a bucket head.

Kmama said...

Eli is so cute. I love the buckets!

LOL at the place with the wheelbarrel. So funny!!

Rachel @ Finding Joy said...

Love the buckets on the heads!

It reminds me of when my kids would get presents and they would put the boxes on their heads. The boxes were a bigger hit than the actual present!

Blessings on your Monday.


Al said...

These photos and conversations takes me back to the good old days...

Carrie said...

LOL! Eli is so cute! Kids are funny! I love how they describe things...Emily still gets frustrated sometimes because I have no idea what she's talking about and she thinks she's being perfectly clear! {and she probably is...I just don't get it! haha!}

He & Me + 3 said...

I love Eli's hat choices. So cute.
We love the wheelbarrow too Grant:) Too funny.
My MIL calls it the Rocking Chair. LOL

faith ann raider said...

That IS so cute!! I am the same way about every time my boy is asleep - go figure.
What a cute little dude.

Jenilee said...

he is so cute! and his poor little head! my annalise gets things like that stuck on her head. she loves to tie things up and get things all twisted. :) makes for hours of play!

Sandra said...

So cute!

Emily said...

so cute...Charlie's obsessed with his head and putting things on it too. But he won't wear a hat...what's that all about!?

faith ann raider said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog! Yes, foam crafts are AWESOME!
My kids did one of those seed planters and we got zero flowers from it :( just a few measly sprouts before it died. My hope is that flowers OUTSIDE will fare better than plants inside! plus it gives me something to do outside other than browse facebook on my phone;)
hope your seeds succeed better than mine!

Cindy @ This Adventure, Our Life said...

I love the buckets on the head!! Soo cute!

{Kimber} said...

he does love the buckets doesn't he!? cute

and I'm with Grant---we love the Barrel!

Unknown said...

Hi! I am your newest follower from MM! Glad to have found your blog. Enjoy your week and feel free to stop by anytime at www.miamamiah.com or www.justjewelrybyjessica.com

Kelli said...

Your boys are adorable and I love the pictures with Eli and the buckets. Cracker Barrel is one of my favorite places...Grant is so sweet.

Dee said...

He is SO stinkin cute! Evan used to put everything on his head too!

Angie said...

You have the cutest little bucket head I have ever seen :)

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

He's a cutie...kids get fixated on the funniest things. ;) Thanks for the visit!

Foursons said...

He is just too cute! I love his expression in the 2nd to last photo. Cracker Barrel= Wheelbarrow. Hahahaha

Myya said...

How cute is your little bucket head! I totally would take pics everytime too. Funny about the wheelbarrel restaurant. Kids are so gosh darn fun!

carissa said...

i always love these posts!!! the bucket obsession is definitely adorable! i love how moms have to interpret everything their kid's say! can't wait for those days! - i guess, my lil' man needs to learn to walk first!

Bridget said...

Awwww, those pictures are too cute!!!

Miller Racing Family said...

How cute, I love the twist on not me Monday. Those pictures of Eli with the buckets on his head is fabulous! I just love his smile.
Hope you have a fabulous day!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

I love the bucket head pictures! Too cute!

Sugarplum Creations Blog said...

Ha! Wheel Barrow/Cracker Barrel, what's the diff? Eli looks darling with or without a bucket on his head :)

Anonymous said...

The bucket makes a perfect hat! What great pictures!

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