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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Making a Mountain....

...out of a {really small} dirt hill!

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Melissa said...

adorable...it is a little pile - but they and you did make mountain of it...

Bits-n-Pieces said...

(you've been given an award on my blog!!)

Carrie said...

How fun! I remember my sister and i would play in a little dirt patch in our yard all the time and make little roads :) They look so cute and are having such a good time!

Jenilee said...

how fun! I love when simple things keep their attention like that. great time for the imagination!

Lyndsay said...

Looks like a lot of fun to me!

Angie said...

looks like tons of fun! i bet they were making all kinds of boy noises, trucks racing around and stuff! ha!

Dee said...

TOo cute! Kids can take anything and make it so much fun!

Unknown said...



P.S. I don't know if you know, but i HAVE A "I was featured button" on my craft blog... for you to grab for having your sewing box featured. JUST FYI for ya! Have a great day Kelli! Jenn

Elena said...

So cute! I just love to watch children play and see all the things they come up with.

Foursons said...

Great job working that DSLR! I can see your thought process through the photos. :D

{Kimber} said...

boys will be boys!!!
Eli's little pouty lips are the cutest thing ever!

Tutus N' Trucks said...

Oh my gosh! Looking at those pictures, I can just hear Eli making truck noises! I mean look at those pooched out lips, deffinately truck noises! =)

Oh I so hope I have a little boy one day! Yours are just way too cute!!!

Emily said...

Even the smallest patch of dirt can provide tons of fun for little boys!

NorCalMom said...

Looks like they were having a great time. I have a "Sweet Blog" award for you, stop by when you can.

Stephanie said...

I guess those little dirt hills look really big to small little boys :)

mommy2luke2008 said...

Looks like they had a lot of fun!!

He & Me + 3 said...

Oh boys and dirt. Nothing better. Too cute. I love the bare feet.

Angela said...

Sweet! Boys do LOVE the DIRT!!!

Wordless Wednesday!

MollyinMinn said...

Isn't is amazing the fun kids can have with such simple things! Love these images!

Darcie said...

Dirt and trucks is all boys really need to be happy! FOR HOURS! Looks like a perfect playtime.

carissa said...

such cuties!!! i love it when my lil' man plays with his trucks and cars... it's like they were born to do this!

Linda C said...

Oh how I miss those days of when our 5 boys were growing up- and the sand box and cars and tractors!! Thanks for sharing your cuties with us!!

Happy WW!
Linda C

Bridget said...

Looksl like lotsa fun!!

Anonymous said...

JDaniel needs a hill like this. He would love it.

More Than Words said...

That is perfect for little boys!

Cindy @ This Adventure, Our Life said...

That looks like too much fun! How great!!

Miller Racing Family said...

Oh girl don't you just love boys. They really don't need much in life to make them happy. I am always amazed that if I give Trey some dirt, rocks, trucks and cars he can entertain himself for hours.
Thanks again for linking up this week and have a fabulous Wednesday!

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

It looks like they're having a blast!

Anonymous said...

They are having so much fun....Zoe loves playing in the dirt. Gavyn never liked too.

Sugarplum Creations Blog said...

Awww! Look how much fun they are having! That is so very sweet :)

J.J. said...

that looks like my boys. they could be inthe back yard doing that for hours.

that looks like so much fun!

Kmama said...

Aww, look at them playing. Who needs a stupid mud pie makin' toy??

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