This is Eli's booster seat.
He eats most of his meals sitting in this seat....except when he eats breakfast in the living room while Henry and Grant are getting ready for school.

I'm going to be real here and tell you that most days you will find crumbs and smears of food on, in, and under Eli's seat.
Yes, that is a jelly smear on the side of his seat.
Yes, we had biscuits and jelly for breakfast on Saturday.
Yes, I knew it was there.
Yes, I took this picture on Tuesday.
Yes, I was being lazy and not cleaning it.
Yes, the jelly is still there...though now I'm kind of feeling bad, so I may have to clean it today:)

I'm also going to be real and tell you that I don't clean Eli's seat after every meal
every day every week! Those goldfish crumbs have probably been there a while.

Not cleaning his seat has not really been a problem...until some
way too smart ants figured out I was being lazy and started feasting on the buffet that was Eli's seat!

I spent an hour yesterday chasing down a mile long line of ants with the Dust Buster. And then I cleaned the crumbs and smears of food off of Eli's seat...well, except for that jelly smear!