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Showing posts with label Milestones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Milestones. Show all posts

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Monday, August 24, 2009

Fun and Fantastic Four!

We celebrated Grant's 4th birthday this weekend with a SUPER fun POOL PARTY! Grant's beach ball birthday cake
Sunbathing bears....cupcakes for the kiddos!
The birthday boy is all smiles before he opens his presents!
Hmmm....I wonder what this could be?
Lots of presents and cards to open!
For some reason I never get any good pictures of the kids actually in the pool, but there were about twenty kids splashing, playing, and having a great time!
Grant had a great birthday! He was so sweet and so excited about his party, and more than once he said that he really liked his party and all of his presents :)
Happy 4th Birthday Grant!

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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Big Little Man on Campus!

Henry is officially a Kindergartner!

Jason and I took him to his new school this morning for his very first day of Kindergarten.
Henry and Hayden {Trouble and Double Trouble!}

Our school district does "Kindergarten Discovery Days" for the first three days of the school year, so today he is at school with 8 other classmates. He will not go to school tomorrow....and he will start his first 'normal' day of Kindergarten on Monday.

Henry seemed to be fine, a little nervous, but I kind of expected that from him. No tears were shed, so I think we did pretty good! We are really excited about his teacher {she has some awesome qualifications} and his new class! And I am SUPER excited that Henry already knows some the kids {at least 5 from church and preschool} and I know some of the moms {field trips are way more fun if you have someone you like to talk to}!

I'm a little nervous about pick up....only because it is new and I don't want to do something wrong. I think I can handle it though! Hopefully Henry is having a great day and will have a great Kindergarten year!

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Yesterday, the boys' dog {Corndog} chased her last car.
Jason left for work around 6 am yesterday morning, and Corndog {doing what she does every morning} chased his truck down our little road. Only this time she got a little too close the tires, and Jason accidentally ran over her.
He came back to the house to tell me and ask what I thought we should do. He was worried about waking up the boys and not knowing what to tell them. He decided to drive down the road to his grandmother's house {she lives about two miles away} to bury her.
We stayed inside most of the day yesterday and the boys haven't noticed that she is gone yet. Jason was going to tell them last night...but we aren't quite sure how to break the news to a 5 year old and a 3 year old.
She was a good country yard dog
kept to herself
played with her neighbor dog friends
slept during the day
and rarely barked unless a strange dog came into the yard
The boys really loved Corndog...and she will be greatly missed!
Henry and Corndog January 2008

{Any advice on how to break the new of losing a pet would be SUPER helpful!}
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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Just a Little Trim

Eli got his first haircut on Friday!

This is the earliest {he is only 10 1/2 months old} that any of my boys have had their first haircut. Henry was at least 18 months old when I finally got his curly-mess-of-hair cut, and I think Grant was at least a year old before his first trip to Mrs. Niece's. The same lady has done all three of the boys' first haircuts {and every haircut after that too}, and she does a great job!

Eli was very well behaved for his first haircut. He sat quietly in daddy's lap, and only fussed for a minute {but it was nothing the paci couldn't solve!}.
He started out a little concerned.
Then he got happy for a little while.
Eli was very contemplative...
...a little bored... ...and by the end he wanted his paci {and a sucker} for doing such a great job!

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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The {Preschool} Graduate

Henry graduated from Preschool tonight.
I can't believe he is already 5 years old and getting ready to start Kindergarten in the fall.
I know a lot of people were sad tonight, but I have to say I was more excited and proud than I was sad!
I know that I will go through Preschool graduation at least two more times, and I am sure I will be sad when I sit in that audience for the last time.
But for tonight, I was SUPER proud of my little big boy for doing such a great job in school all year!
And even more excited to see what the future holds for him!!
Henry: Class of 2022
For the first part of the program the 4 year old classes did a "What I want to be when I grow up" skit!
Henry was a Train Conductor.
He said:
I am going to be a Train Conductor
Along the rails I'll ride
Please stop when you see me coming
So we will not collide!

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Monday, April 20, 2009


On Friday, Henry's preschool class participated in the St. Jude Trike-A-Thon!
All the kids brought their tricycles and bicycles to school.
They had a great time riding their trikes {and bikes} and raising money for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital!
After all their hard work, they had an ice pop and got a few SUPER cute stickers!
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Friday, April 17, 2009

Time to Lower the Baby Bed!

This is how I found Eli after his nap yesterday morning!
Needless to say, Jason spent about 30 minutes last night lowering the mattress on the baby bed!
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Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Henry!

Henry is 5 years old today!

We celebrated his birthday last night with a party.

Henry picked out Batman for his party theme.

He was so excited about turning 5...he insisted on having the piece of cake with the 5 on it!

Happy 5th Birthday Henry!

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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Henry's First T-ball Game

The umpire had to talk to Henry.
Henry kept hitting the ball before the umpire said "Play Ball"!

Henry running for home plate!

Henry's coach helping him get ready to hit the ball.

His team played really well today!
And after all the yucky weather we have had the last few days, it was a beautiful day to be at the ballpark!

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