I took Eli for his four month well baby checkup yesterday. I have to say, before I tell you his height and weight, that he is technically four and a half months. So, keep that in mind when you see how 'big and tall' my little man is!
Height: 26 3/4 in. {in the 95%}
Weight: 19 lbs {above the 97%}
Head: 44 cm {in the 90%}
I knew that Eli was a chunky monkey, but I had no idea that he was as HUGE as he really is. On the way home {after letting the numbers sink in a little} I thought how blessed I am to have a {SUPER big} healthy baby! Really, since leaving the hospital, we have only been to the doctor three times. Twice for well baby checkups, and once because he had a little bit of a cold when he was only three weeks old. We really are very blessed to have such a big, healthy man {even if he is SUPER heavy and is constantly killing my arm and back forcing me to attempt to make a baby sling to carry him in(more about that tomorrow)}!!