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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Random Picture Challenge

I am participating in another Random Picture Challenge...this time 3.0!! If you want to join in, go on over to Four Little Men and Girly Twins and link up! Today's picture is supposed to be your 30th picture in the August 2007 folder. We only had 6.....yes 6 picture in that folder!! I know SUPER sad picture taking momma!! But I have a great excuse. Henry was really sick for about two weeks, and so was I. The other 5 pictures in my August 2007 folder were Henry in the hospital! So I figured I would put in my sixth picture....it was as close to 30 as I could get!

Our neighbor grew some watermelons that summer and he brought over a few of the SUPER cute small ones for us! This may be one of the first times that the boys actually ate watermelon instead of playing with it! They had been out in the yard with Jason and were really sweaty and dirty {check out Henry's dirt-streaked face!} Don't you love summer!!
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Friday, January 23, 2009

SUPER Cute Kid Questions!

Lately, I have been leaving the T.V. on the Christian music station that our satellite plays {I think it is from Sirius/XM radio}. I overheard this conversation while Jason and the boys were playing in the living room one day this week.

Grant: "Is this Big Daddy Weeb?"
{referring to the Christian group Big Daddy
Weave, the boys favorite band since we saw
them play at Atlanta Fest last summer}
Jason: "No, it's Switchfoot."
Grant: "Is it big?
Jason: "No, this band's name is Switchfoot."
Grant: "But is it big?"
Henry: Bigfoot is a MONKEY.

I really wonder what they are thinking about in those little heads sometimes!!
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Thursday, January 22, 2009


Recently I have seen a ton of mommy-blogs praising Babywearing and talking about how much they love their slings, so I decided to give Babywearing a try too!

I didn't want to go out and spend a lot of money on a sling {these things can be SUPER expensive}, because I still am not sure how much I will use it. I figured, instead of buying one, I would just make one!

I did a search for free baby sling patterns, and found a pretty easy one at Maya Wrap. They have a pattern with instructions for how to make and use a ring sling. So I printed out the directions and got started. While doing our Black Friday shopping, I picked up some really cute blue, green, and white striped fabric for around $2.00 a yard that would make a SUPER cute sling for Eli. I did a little research on what kind of rings to buy to make a ring sling, and actually ended up buying the rings from the Farm and Feed store in our little town for ninety nine cents each!! The ring sling really wasn't very hard to make: a little cutting, a few hemmed edges {a broken sewing machine needle} and then attaching the rings {SUPER secure for my BIG man}. I think it took a total of maybe 3 hours from start to finish, and it turned out SUPER cute!
My first attempt at Babywearing!
Eli seemed to be pretty happy in the sling, even though I am still getting used to wearing it. I am still not very good at getting him in and getting the sling adjusted just right. I hope I learn quickly, because Eli is getting SUPER heavy and it is really hard to carry him around in his car seat {My left wrist has seriously been hurting lately and I think it is from carrying him around} ! Any advice or suggestions on using my new ring sling would be SUPER!
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