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Thursday, March 25, 2010

This is What Happens...

...when you give Eli a snack
and a craft
at the same time!
P.S. Check our my SUPER cool new menu bar at the top! I am really excited that I figured it out all by myself with the help of Jill aka Sneaky Momma and TheGirlCreative! It was pretty easy to do, so if you want to add one to your blog go check these ladies out:)
Also, I am being featured on Tip Junkie today! YAY!

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Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I am SUPER excited!

I follow this wonderful blog:

Nesting Place

And every once in a while, Nester host GIVEAWAY DAY! It is a whole day filled with amazing giveaways, one every hour to be exact!
This year, I think I entered everyone single one...never imagining that with all the hundreds of comments, I would be lucky enough to win.
Well, I was wrong!

I did WIN!

I was completely surprised and SUPER excited when I read the list of winners, and saw my name beside #11!

I won a $25 gift certificate to GARNISH!
So now, I get to stop drooling over all the cute stuff in their shop, and actually buy something!
Like these cute paper straws:

These adorable berry baskets:

And these SUPER chic clear boxes:
Have you won any giveaways lately!?!
Don't forget I will be hosting FREE 4 All Friday this week, so that is one more giveaway one lucky person will win:)

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