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Monday, April 12, 2010

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
I did NOT super glue the snaps on one of Eli's outfits this week. I was NOT getting aggravated that every time he bent over, the suit came unsnapped. I did NOT decide that it was better to have a a suit that wouldn't unsnap at the crotch, than to not have a suit at all....especially because it is SUPER cute!
Eli's SUPER glued suitAfter I borrowed Jason's super glue to fix Eli's outfit, I did NOT accidentally put the bottle of glue in the drawer without closing the lid tightly. I did NOT figure this out when Jason went to get the grill lighter out of the same drawer, and it was stuck to the bottom of the drawer! There was NOT superglue all over a bunch of Jason's stuff, because it was NOT his junk drawer that the super glue spilled in.

I did NOT bake almost 60 cupcakes last week for Henry's birthday. Jason and I did NOT stay up until almost 11 o'clock decorating those cupcakes to look like campfires so I could take them to Henry's class on Friday. I {really} do NOT think I will be making cupcakes again anytime soon:) I will NOT be posting picture of the SUPER cute campfire cupcakes and the rest of Henry's Camp Out birthday party tomorrow though!

I am NOT going to be gone all day today. I am NOT going on a SUPER fun stinky, smelly, & hot field trip with Henry to a farm. That does NOT mean that my house and my blog are going to be ignored yet again today! Oh well, maybe I will NOT be able to catch up tomorrow.

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Friday, April 9, 2010

Applique Towel Tutorial: Again!

As you can tell from yesterday's post, I am currently SUPER busy! So, I decided to repost one of my very first tutorials. I thought my applique towel tutorial was very fitting since I am currently sponsoring a fun giveaway for one over on Amanda's blog! Go enter! And then if you don't win, you can use this tutorial to make your own:)
I have been having a ton of fun with appliques lately.
So I thought I would share some of my {non-professional} techniques, so you can make your own SUPER Cute Personalized Towel!

Start with a towel of your choice! I made one for each of my boys.
Henry's towel is blue
Grant's towel is green
Eli's towel is orange
Using my computer, I found a font that I liked and printed out an H, G, and E. {You can make the letter as big or small as you want.} You can use any font you like, but the simpler the font, the easier it will be to cut out and sew onto the towel. I cut out the letter, traced it onto some interfacing, and cut it out again.
Then I used spray adhesive and attached the cut out interfacing to my fabric of choice {make sure to attach the letter upside down so that the fabric will be on the top and the interfacing on the bottom}.
Next, I cut out the fabric letter and use more spray adhesive to attach the letter to the towel. This helps keep the letter in place so that it doesn't move around while you are sewing! The next step is to sew the letter onto the towel.
You can use either a zig-zag stitch or a straight stitch. I have tried it both ways, and they both work pretty well...it is really just a matter of preference. The zig-zag stitch is a little harder to master, but once you finish sewing you are basically done. If you want to do a straight stitch {which I did on these towels} you will have to wash the towel after you sew it, and then trim up any of the frayed edges with some scissors.
Basically with both stitches, you just follow along the outline of the letter to attach the fabric to the towel.
And you end up with a SUPER Cute Personalized Towel!
I hope this was helpful and maybe inspired some of you to get out your sewing machines! If you have any questions or need {non-professional} help with anything just let me know.
Join us Saturdays at tatertotsandjello.com for the weekend wrap up party!

The Girl Creative

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Thursday, April 8, 2010

A Lot On My Plate...

Crafts to work on A birthday party to plan
Kitchen {whole house} to clean
Cupcakes to make
Laundry to be washed, folded, and put away
Bible study to attend
Two t-ball games to watch
Goodie bags to make
and a birthday lunch with Henry at school
If I'm not around much for the next two days, it is because I have A LOT ON MY PLATE right now!

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