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Monday, April 19, 2010

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Today is NOT my hubby's 30th birthday. There is NO way that he is turning 30 today, because that means in two short months I will be turning 30 also! I am NOT just a little freaked out about the fact that our 20's are gone...though I know that getting older is better than the alternative:)

I am NOT making a surprise cake for my hubby's birthday using 30 of these:
Krispy Kreme DonutsDonut Birthday Cake This will NOT be one of the few times when it will be okay to eat 'birthday cake' for breakfast!

We did NOT decide very last minute to buy a few gallons of paint and repaint our living room. We did NOT have just a few accidents while attempting to repaint the living room. Those accidents did NOT include Jason shaking a not completely closed container of paint and splashing it all over the kitchen. Eli also did NOT do this:

paint on carport{ with a used paint roller} all over the carport and down the driveway!

What have you NOT been doing this week?

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Friday, April 16, 2010

Monogrammed Burlap Garden Flag

I wrote this tutorial for a guest post on Tatertots & Jello, but I wanted to share it here too:)
Jen is SUPER crafty and very inspirational and she makes the most amazing things our of burlap! Becuase of that, I knew that I had to attempt something made out of burlap. I also wanted something for my yard, because the grass here is finally starting to turn green! So I came up with a Monogrammed Burlap Garden Flag that is SUPER easy and SUPER inexpensive to make.Monogrammed Burlap Garden Flag Tutorial

Monogrammed Burlap Garden Flag Thanks so much to Jen for letting me share a little bit of my craftiness on her blog! Hop on over to Tatertots & Jello and check out some of the SUPER crafty things that Jen has made!
Join us Saturdays at tatertotsandjello.com for the weekend wrap up party!
this blessed nest

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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sometimes I Wonder....

how the playground has any
sand left
because Grant keeps bringing
it home!

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