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Monday, April 26, 2010

Not My Child! Monday

This week I am mixing it up a little and doing Not My Child! Monday, a fun little twist on our weekly confessions of all our mommyhood shortcomings and oh-so-embarrassing incidents. This week I get to confess all the NOT so great things that my kids have done.....so go check out My Charming Kids to see all the things everyone else {& maybe their kiddos} has NOT been doing!
Eli does NOT have a love of buckets, NOT specifically buckets on his head. He has NOT been cultivating his love of buckets since September of last year. I do NOT think it is SUPER cute and adorably funny, so I do NOT take pictures of him eveytime I catch him with a bucket on his head!

While on our way out to lunch a few weeks ago, I did NOT let Grant chose where we went to eat. The conversation did NOT go something like this:

Grant: I want to go to the place with the wheelbarrow in its' name.
Me: {totally confused}
Grant: You know the one by Target with the wheelbarrow in its' name.
Me:{ still totally confused}
Grant: That one! {pointing as we pass by Cracker Barrel}
Me: Oh, now I get it:)
Thanks so much to everyone for entering this weeks FREE 4 All Friday. I used random.org to pick a winner, and the winner is: Bridget!
Also, go check out my Applique Towel Tutorial that is being featured over on Tip Junkie today:)

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Friday, April 23, 2010

FREE 4 All Friday!

This giveway is closed.
Congrats to Bridget!

It's the fourth Friday of the month.
That means it's my turn to host FREE 4 All Fridays!
Because everybody likes free stuff, right!?!
Somehow this Friday managed to sneak up on me. I'm sure it has nothing to do with my SUPER busy life...and trying to be SUPERMOM!

Lucily I have a few goodies in my stash!
This week I am giving away a ton of cute office stuff.
a pencil holder
notecards @ envelopes
grocery list notepad
3 elastic book bands
a dry erase board

To enter:

Leave a comment, any comment.

For another entry, follow my blog and leave me a comment telling me that you do.

For a third entry, place my blog button on your blog and then leave a comment telling that you did.

Follow me on twitter, and leave a comment telling me that you do.

For one more entry, stop by Mimi's place and tell her "HI" too!

I will use random.org to pick a winner on Sunday! Good Luck and thanks for entering!

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Going a Little Green

Today is Earth Day, so I figured today would be a perfect day to share a new earth friendly product that I just discovered {and fell in love with}. I came across some of the coolest lunch boxes ever a few weeks ago, and I just had to buy some for my boys.
{click on the name to check out their website}
Besides all the great selling point:
{100% recyclable}
{dishwasher safe}
{no plastic bags needed}
{made in the USA}
{SUPER adorable}

They also come in all three of my boys' colors {blue, green, and orange}!

The lunch box is divided into sections, so you don't need plastic baggies to send carrots and crackers, or almonds and cucumbers. Plus it comes with a juice bottle, so I can stop buying those expensive individual drinks! Each Goodbyn comes with a roll of 275+ adorable stickers.
I decorated each of my boys' Goodbyns with their name and a few other stickers {I didn't want the outside to be covered with a ton of stickers}. But I am going to let them decorate the juice bottle however they want:)
So far, I have been very impressed with the Goodbyn, and Henry is loving his new lunchbox! Grant and Eli will get to try theirs out this summer when we take picnics to the park.
Happy Earth Day! Do something GREEN!
{I bought these SUPER adorable lunchboxes with my own money, and I did not receive any compensation for sharing it on my blog. I really do love this product and I simple wanted to share it with all of you!}

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