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Monday, May 24, 2010

Miscellany Monday

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

1. I am so confused {and a little mad} about the LOST finale. There are so many unanswered questions. I know the creators said they answered the most important questions about the characters...blah, blah, blah, BUT I want some of the other mysterious stuff explained! I feel like there was a little bit of resolution, but still a million open ended things too! If any body has any theories they want to share, please do.

2. Summer is almost here. Henry only has a half day of school tomorrow, and then it will officially be summer for us. I'm not quite sure how we are going to spend the next 10 weeks....doing lots of fun stuff I hope!

3. I'm heading to the doctor today for a checkup. It has been over a year....and I am almost feeling completely back to normal. You know, except for the six pills I have to pop every morning, and the two shots I take every Thursday. But I think my body {and my rheumatoid arthritis} is doing what it needs to do to feel normal and function.

4. Last week, Grant, Eli, and I took a little road trip...and I got to meet my SUPER sweet bloggy friend Kelli! Here are a few pics of our trip:

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Friday, May 21, 2010

Welcome to Jello Island

Henry's class is having a luau today.
And other than fruit kabobs or a roasted pig, I had no idea what kind of snack to take.
So I made Jello Island:)Jello Island1 I mixed up three big boxes of Blue Berry Jello in a clear bowl. About halfway through the refrigeration time, pull the bowl out and load it up with gummy fish and sharks.
Jello Island2 When the Jello is completely set, pull it out to decorate. I crumbled up vanilla Oreos in a food processor and sprinkled them onto part of the Jello to make the island. Then I rolled out a few Starburst to make beach towels and added a few sunbathing Teddy Grahams.
Candy/Cookie Palm Trees To make the palm trees, I used a few Pirouette cookies and some green fruit slices. I sliced the fruit slicing thinly, and then attached them to the top of the Pirouette with the help of a few toothpicks.
Jello Island3
This was really easy to do, and I may try it again this summer and actually let the boys helps me when we have more time!
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
I think I need a fruity drink with an umbrella in it to celebrate the weekend almost being here:)

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Preschool Graduate 2

Grant graduated from preschool on Tuesday night! It really seems like we just did preschool graduation for Henry....this year has flown by!

A self portrait: Grant in his cap and gown
For their program, all the kids do a "What I want to be when I grow up".
Grant was a firefighter.

He said:
I want to be a firefighter
and drive an engine red.
I'll blow the siren good and loud
and get you out of bed.
{no nap makes for an unhappy and non-smiling firefighter}

At the end of the program, all the kiddos walked on stage to receive their diplomas. Our last name starts with a W and as usual, Grant was the very last graduate:)
He did such a great job and we are SUPER proud of him!

Next year he will be all grown up, and he will go to big school with Henry.

Congrats to Jen aka Momma D for winning the CSN giveaway!

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