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Monday, June 14, 2010

MIA, VBS, and a Feature

It is Vacation Bible School week for us, which means I am running around like crazy from the time I get up until noon every day! Being busy with VBS means my blog will be kind of quiet for the most part this week, and I will probably be MIA from your blogs this week too. Hopefully when VBS is over I will be able to catch up on all my favorites:)

Since I'm not sharing any of my own fun today, I figured I would send you over to check out someone else's great ideas! Mickey aka Monster Mama made some SUPER fun pudding pops the other day! Go check out her version inspired by rainbow pops , and while you are there look around at all the other great recipes she has shared. Her PB Brownies look amazing...and I know that if I made them they would completely ruin my diet:)
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Friday, June 11, 2010


Today is going to be a day of rambling...mainly because I don't have any projects to share:) So, here I go!

Can someone please explain to me why my kiddos have been up by 6:30 every morning since summer started. During the school year I was dragging them out of the bed at 6:30 all groggy and sleepy-eyed. Now they come bouncing down the stairs intent on waking me up! Seriously boys, it's summer...we can at least sleep until 7:00!!

Henry got his cast taken off yesterday. He has to wear a removable brace for the next two weeks, but that means he can swim and take a REAL bath! Thank goodness. Boys are stinky enough as it is...but add a cast to their arm and you double the stink factor!

Eli has been getting some strange bumps lately. I can't tell what they are....maybe bug bites?!? But they are multiplying at night, which makes me feel bad because that means that some kind of weird bug may be attacking my poor baby during the night. That or it is mosquito bites from being outside in the evening that we don't notice until the morning.

My craft room {aka the dining room that is rarely used for dining} is a TOTAL mess! There are at least three of my projects spread out on the table, Jason has some tools and supplies piled up in there, and all my stuff for Vacation Bible School is sitting on the table too! It makes crafting very difficult when you can't even find the table to set up on:)

We went and picked fresh veggies the other day. Sadly, all the veggies are still sitting in the buckets that we brought them home in. I really need to get them out and clean them before they get all gross...but I seem to be going through a lazy phase lately!

Now, we are off to the walking track and the splash pad! Henry is SUPER excited about playing in the water...and I am hoping I have lost another pound or two after all the walking I have done this week.

I hope I haven't bored you too much with my ramblings, and don't forget to hop over to Mimi's and check out FREE 4 All Fridays today:) I hope you all have a great {random} weekend!

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Thursday, June 10, 2010

When Life Gives You Lemons...

...or when you buy a bag of lemons at the produce stand...
Make Lemonade
We made The Best Lemonade Ever!
Really, that is what the recipe is called, and it was SUPER good!
1 3/4 cups white sugar
8 cups water
1 1/2 cups lemon juice
1.In a small saucepan, combine sugar and 1 cup water. Bring to boil and stir to dissolve sugar. Allow to cool to room temperature, then cover and refrigerate until chilled.
2.Remove seeds from lemon juice, but leave pulp. In pitcher, stir together chilled syrup, lemon juice and remaining 7 cups water.
I made the water/sugar mixture and chilled it in the fridge.
Then the boys helped me squeeze the lemons. We used a collander over a bowl to catch all the seeds and pulp.
We added our fresh squeezed lemon juice to the water/sugar mixure and then everyone got a turn to stir the lemonade....
...even Eli!
Pour your yummy lemonade over ice and enjoy!

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