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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Pottery Barn Inspired Wall Display

As I was browsing the Pottery Barn website last week, I came across this gorgeous wall display using platters, twine, and letters.
I was in love the second I saw it, and I knew that I had to make something similar for my dining room. I also knew it would be a pretty inexpensive project because I already had a few white plates sitting in the cabinet just waiting to be used for a craft project.

I used two of my round plates and picked up a SUPER cute oval one at Marshall's for $2.99. I already had a roll of twine, and I found a few rubber bands {which I only ended up using one of}.

Using my Cricut, I cut the letters E, a, and t out of white card stock, and then I used spray adhesive to mount the letters onto some brown card stock.
I wrapped the twine around the plates and tied the two ends together in the back. There is a video on the Pottery Barn website that walks you through the steps of using the rubber band to make the twine elasticized....I tried it on one plate, but didn't do it on the other two.
I {technically my hubby} attached some inexpensive hooks to the back of the plates with two part epoxy and then let the hooks cure overnight.
I hung the plates above the doorway in our dining room. We have ten foot ceilings in our house, so sometimes the space over the doors seems really big and blank. If my hubby would let me, I would probably hang something over every doorway in our house:)
This is a great way to dress up a blank wall in your house...plus it is really inexpensive and SUPER easy to do. I also love that it will be really easy to change out the letters so I can also use that area to decorate for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
I'm linking this project up with The CSI Projects Pottery Barn Inspired Challenge.

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Friday, August 20, 2010

Subway Art

I'm sure you have all see the hundreds of different versions of Subway Art floating around blogland lately! It seems that everyone is in love with the graphic simplicity of white letters on a black background or black letters on a white background depending on the technique. I saw the first Subway Art over at Jen's place Tatertots and Jello. She has shared a few different versions, and even has a linky party set up for everyone to share their versions of Subway Art.

After seeing so many great versions, I knew I had to try and make my own Subway Art...and I knew the perfect occasion too. This was actually my second attempt on the same canvas. My first attempt included contact paper used as stencils....which just in case you were wondering....is NOT very effective. I had planned to place the contact paper stencils on the canvas, paint over them, and then remove the stencil leaving the white canvas behind. The contact paper did not adhere to the canvas surface very well, which led to major bleeding. I ended up having to paint the entire canvas black and continue on with another technique.
For my successful version, I used my Cricut to cut out the letters on bright white card stock. Then I used Mod Podge to attach the letters to the already painted black canvas. With the help of a ruler, a pencil, and a foam craft brush, the letters went on the canvas pretty easily. I added a few layers of Mod Podge just to make sure the letters were securely attached and to make the canvas a little more durable.
I think it turned out pretty great for my first {well technically second} attempt at Subway Art, and I really hope my friend Ashley loves it!
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UndertheTableandDreamingThe Girl Creative
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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Yummy No Bake Cheesecake

I love cheesecake.
I'm pretty sure that I admitted in one of my Not Me Monday posts, that I had eaten at The Cheesecake Factory twice in one week just because I love cheesecake so much!

If you have ever baked a real cheesecake, you know that it is a TON of work...and mine always end up with a huge crack right down the middle. So when I am craving cheesecake but don't want to deal with the ordeal of making a real baked one, this is my go to recipe. It is SUPER simple and oh so yummy!

No Bake Cheesecake
graham cracker crust
two 8 oz packages of cream cheese
1/3 cup of lemon juice
one can of sweetened condensed milk
one teaspoon of vanilla
Mix cream cheese until smooth. Add in the lemon juice, sweetened condensed milk, and vanilla. Mix until creamy. Pour into prepared crust and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.

Serve plain or with the fruit topping of your choice.

The Girl Creative
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