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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Countdown to Christmas Craft

A few months ago we redecorated our living room. That left with me with a ton of old and really dusty black frames that had previously been on the walls of our living room. I didn't throw them away because I knew at some point I would find a good use for them. This week I'm going to share three uses for old and really dusty picture frames with you!

Recycled Picture Frame Craft #1
Countdown to Christmas
{Just in case there was any confusion, the SUPER cute printable that I used for this craft was designed by Sarah at Life Sweet Life. I simply printed it out and mod podged it!}

glass insert from picture frame
mod podge
Christmas printable {I found mine HERE}
black paper
Coat one side of the glass with mod podge.
Lay your printable, print side down and coat the backside of it with a layer of mod podge. I also added a few strips of black paper because my printable wasn't the exact same size as my glass. Make sure to smooth your paper while the mod podge is drying to prevent any bubbles in the paper from forming.
After the mod podge has dried, use your hot glue gun and attach some black ribbon to the back to make a hanger.
If you are giving this for a gift, cover the back with a piece of black paper just to make it look more finished...if you are keeping this craft for yourself, this step isn't really necessary:)
And now you have a SUPER cute Countdown to Christmas that was basically FREE! This would make a really cute neighbor or teacher gift with a pack of dry erase markers!

Make sure to hop over to Sarah's cute blog and tell her thanks for sharing such a fun and original Christmas printable!

**Check back on Thursday for the first of two of my crafts using the empty frames this glass came from:)

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Monday, December 6, 2010

Helpful Holiday Hint

The day your hubby gets the Christmas decorations down from the attic is a TERRIBLE day to get a stomach virus!

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