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Monday, March 1, 2010

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I did NOT have a SUPER crazy week of doctor's visits{3}, surgery for tubes, and then pneumonia all in just a little more than 4 days! After such a busy week, I am NOT hoping for a nice boring week starting today:)

During all the craziness of last week, I did NOT eat at Chick-fil-a THREE times! I would NEVER eat fast food that much in one week, especially since I am supposed to be on a diet. I would also NEVER spend one of those trips eating a milkshake at 3 p.m. and then call it lunch! I always eat healthy, well rounded meals...and I always follow my diet plan!

I did NOT spend part of this weekend painting and working on a craft project while completely ignoring the housework that was piled up around me. I did NOT put a load of clothes in the dryer just because I felt bad looking at it in the basket getting all wrinkled while I was busy painting!

What did you NOT do this week?!?

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Sunday, February 28, 2010


The winner is:

Carrie @ Martin Manor Happenings!

Congrats to Carrie and thanks to everyone for entering!

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Friday, February 26, 2010

FREE 4 All Friday!


It's the fourth Friday of the month.
That means it's my turn to host FREE 4 All Fridays!
Because everybody likes free stuff, right!?!

Today, I am giving away a bath and body set.

The set is SUPER cute and includes bubble bath, body butter, shower gel, bath salt, and a body scrub!

Along with the bath and body set, I am also giving way a SUPER cute monogrammed hand towel for your bathroom.

We were in desperate need of a new handtowel in our half bath, thanks to my boys' dirty little hands! So I decided to make one for myself, and pick up an extra for today's giveaway!

You will get to pick the letter and the color that you would like to have monogrammed on the handtowel!

To enter:

Leave a comment telling me what initial you would want on your handtowel.

For another entry, follow my blog and leave me a comment telling me that you do.

For a third entry, place my blog button on your blog and then leave a comment telling that you did.

For another entry, post the SUPER cute FREE 4 All Friday button on your blog and leave a comment telling me that you did. Here's the code:

For one more entry, stop by Mimi's place and tell her "HI" too!

I will use random.org to pick a winner on Sunday! Good Luck and thanks for entering!


I also wanted to say THANKS for all the prayers for Eli and his surgery! He is doing great, and other than a little bit of fussiness coming out of the anesthesia, he is feeling back to normal! Now, if you would please add Henry to your prayer lists...we found out yesterday that he has pneumonia. He is feeling okay, and at home taking antibiotics. I am hoping a weekend of rest will have him feeling much better!

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