I have to admit,those baby product commercials always made me feel bad if I didn't buy the very best for my child....like somehow I loved my kid less if I bought the cheaper stuff! It's no wonder I felt that way.
{Mead is now banned from saying things such as “It may be tempting to try a less expensive store brand, but only Enfamil LIPIL is clinically proven to improve brain and eye development,” or “There are plenty of other ways to save on baby expenses without cutting back on nutrition.”}
{Mead is now banned from saying things such as “It may be tempting to try a less expensive store brand, but only Enfamil LIPIL is clinically proven to improve brain and eye development,” or “There are plenty of other ways to save on baby expenses without cutting back on nutrition.”}
But I did buy the store brand formula when Grant was a baby.
I had two kids 17 months apart, which meant two in diapers. Plus Henry had a milk allergy so we were buying formula for Grant and more expensive soy milk for Henry! That got to be expensive FAST! I asked my pediatrician if the store brand was okay to buy, and she said it was just as good. I obviously believed her {at least a little bit} because I bought the store brand the whole time Grant was on formula. But I think in the back of my mind, I wonder if he really was getting all the nutrients he needed!
Turns out I worried for no reason! The store brand formulas IS just as good as the more expensive name brand formulas! So don't feel bad if you want to save a little money by purchasing the Walmart of Target brand formula. It is just as good for you kiddo as it is for you wallet!To read even more about this click here or here!
I buy store brand too, actually I buy store brand in just about everything as long as it tastes just as good...and most of it does!
I bought store brand formula too, that stuff is so expensive! im getting to the point that if there is a store brand I buy it instead of name brand! It taste jsut as good!!
Oh how I needed this post.
We did switch Trey over to the store brand formula when he was six months old. Mainly because of the cost. I was thinking I would start the new baby on the store brand from the beginning. I thought I was just being a thrifty mom but now you have confirmed I will be a thrifty and a good nutritionist.
Thanks again, you just checked off one thing of my mommy worry list.
Have a fabulous weekend!
I bought store brand, too, and my kids are just fine! :) I did worry in the beginning but money being tight as it was, I decided to give it a go. Even got coupons in the mail for it!
I always buy store brand. I'm glad Mead got in trouble for false advertising.
My kids used to drink formula, and I always bought the Enfamil at Costco. However, there were times that I ran out and needed to get some at the grocery store. I just compared the labels, and they were pretty much the same. All my kids are healthy, and none of them were breast fed either!
I bought the name brand stuff for my oldest (and of course she had to be the expensive one that could ONLY use soy formula and ONLY the concentrate or full-strength liquid...the powder just didn't work with her no matter how we mixed it) but with my two boys we used the Parent's Choice brand powdered. It's amazing how much money it saves! And considering at 6 months P weighed 23 pounds, I don't think there was a problem! I'm glad it's out 'in the open' now that they're pretty much the same.
We buy store brand with almost everything. The few times we used formula with ours it was always store brand. And like I said on my spanking post, this is one of those things that society pushes...buy the expensive stuff cause expensive has to be better, right?! Thanks for sharing.
I didn't use formula as much with Alex...but I was the same way...I bought the 'good' stuff! It's good that the generic brands are getting a better chance :) Some of the more pricier brands of things I think are a little better...but I try to buy generic when I can! Us moms don't need anybody else to make us feel bad about giving our kids the best and trying to save money!
When I stopped breast feeding I always bought Parent's Choice...even compared the ingredients which are exact. I'm not about brand name like I used to be. We all have to save money not get ripped off.
I agree...most of the time we are just paying for the name. It is a shame.
It's so refreshing to be affirmed that you made a great decision! I recently found out that many store brands are just as good as the name brand just packaged differently.
I used Target brand for some of Jamison's feedings (learned about it towards the end) and for all of Caleb's feedings and it works just fine. I have a friend who works for the makers of Similac and she gave me the thumbs up that it's OK. I actually like a lot of Target brand stuff better.
I used store brand formula for both of my kids. Hayden didn't like formula and by 6 months we switched him to regular milk. But Layla was store brand all the way. I am a huge store brand lover!!
Most store brands are just as good as name brands. The only exception I have found is with cereal bars. I don't know why the Nutri-grain cereal bars taste so much better than the store brand equivalent but they do! At least to me!
I just blogged about formula too! It is so crazy to me that people actually believe the hype...if you read the ingredients, it is all the same!
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