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Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. ********************************
The virus floating around my house last week {that I thought was going to be a quick 12 hours thing} did NOT end up staying around for almost 5 days! It is NOT finally gone, and we are NOT finally getting back to our normal routine after days of Gatorade, lots of toast, and a million loads of laundry! I am NOT completely giddy over the fact that I {hopefully} won't be cleaning up vomit today...or the rest of this week:)
Because the kiddos were NOT sick all week, I did NOT completely neglect my camera, leaving it in the case almost all week {except to take a few pics of my sick sleeping kids} and forgetting to put on my oh so cute camera strap! I do NOT feel like I missed almost a whole week of my life while we were sitting around the house...and I {really} do NOT have photographic evidence of that missing week!
Oh, and those million loads of laundry that I did NOT mention earlier...they were NOT stacked up in my living room over the weekend waiting to be folded. The huge stack of laundry was NOT sitting on a chair, towering taller than me! I did NOT consider taking a picture, but then decided I was too embarrassed to share because the stack was really that big! My wonderful hubby did NOT fold all of those clothes Sunday after church while I took a nap:)

Oooh, lucky dog on the hubs folding the laundry. Mine is still in a giant pile waiting to be folded and put away.
Glad everyone's feeling better. I know of 3 different households with a stomach bug lasting a whole week. NO FUN!
Found you from your blog header! So pretty! Glad to hear everyone is on the mend!
I'm so sorry and I hope that the is quick healing. Here's to starting this week off fresh!
I never have unfolded laundry! EVER! hehe...Glad the kiddos are feeling better.
Your house sounds like mine this past week, we all had the tummy bug for 6 days straight and now a nasty cold that I have been hearing is following this nasty tummy bug
Wow- hubby is a saint! Glad everyone is feeling better and that you got a nap!
How absolutely marvelous that you have such a wonderful husband! So glad that nasty bug FINALLY made a beeline out your door. Hoping this week is much better.
My goodness... my laundry can go for weeks! It just piles up and I look at and really just choose to ignore it... oops... then I am in trouble! Blessings!!
Glad you guys are finally on the mend!
Laundry is evil and has plans to take over the entire human race. I'm just SURE of it!
seems the stomach thing has made it to co worker said every person in her family has had it :(
glad ya'll are on the mend!
So glad you guys are better's to a vomit free week!
Oh man, I would have liked to see that picture! LOL
And big pat on the back to your hubby!
Oh my! I sure hope everyone's better now, that is not fun! I have that much laundry...but no one is sick here, haha! I just hate it, hate it, hate...hate is a strong word but we really don't get along! ;) Take care and hope you have a great, healthy week!
Normal is good...sometimes I wonder what normal is, but no vomit is completely normal! LOL! What a sweetie pie husband you have ;)
Oh, how I love when everyone is back to health and life is back to normal. I feel your pain with the laundry. I wish I could hire someone to do our laundry, fold and iron it and then place it in the right place. Now that would be worth paying for.
Here is to a vomit free week!
Har dee har har! You said fun and at the dentist in the same sentence, are you crazy?!? Lol...wish me luck, we are one day closer to D Day!
what a sweet guy you have there. I loved your new camera strap. I so want one. CUTE. Glad the boys are better.
Good hubby and it sounds like you got a much needed nap. Glad to hear they are better.
I'm glad you're all feeling better!
wait..are you telling me that you are suppose to FOLD the laundry, too?? dang..I thought something wasn't right!
glad everyone is on the mend! Hope it stays away and you can get some rest and get the laundry done!!
I'm hoping that the sickness stays away for a long time now!!!!!!!
And you get that laundry done. You're already ahead of me because mine is stacked up in my laundry room waiting to be washed :)
So glad everyone is feeling better! Normal laundry is bad enough...laundry after the pukies go around is miserable!! Glad Jason helped out with that!
Jen had me at "piles of laundry"! Great blog!
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