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Friday, January 28, 2011

Valentine Dish Towels and a Giveaway!

This giveaway is now closed! Congrats to Kelly!
I spent most of the morning yesterday avoiding laundry working on these SUPER cute Valentine Dish Towels!
 I love having an excuse to make something pink and girly and ruffley! Plus this was the perfect first project for me to finally put my ruffler to work:)
 One of the best things about these dish towels is how easy they are to make....and it doesn't hurt that they are pretty inexpensive too. I picked up a couple different kinds of white dish towel/sack clothes at Walmart and Target a few weeks ago, and I found some really cute pink/red/Valentine fabrics and ribbons at Hobby Lobby. A few ruffles, a few snips with my pinking shears, a few straight stitches and I had some SUPER cute Valentine dish towels:)
 But the very best thing about these SUPER cute Valentine dish towels is that I am giving TWO of them to one of you!

To enter:
Mandatory entry: Leave a comment telling me what kind of Valentine's Day decorations you have or plan to have at your house this year.

For another entry, follow my blog and leave me a comment telling me that you do.

For another entry, follow me on twitter, and leave a comment telling me that you do.

For another entry, tweet about this giveaway and include @SUPERMOM_Kelli and a link  http://tinyurl.com/4vrhmrg to this giveaway in the tweet.

For FIVE extra entries, subscribe to my blog via feedburner...click on the icon in the right sidebar by the facebook and twitter icons. Make sure to leave 5 separate comments.

Make sure to leave a comment for each thing that you do. This giveaway will end next Friday, February 4th at 10:00 pm. I will use random.org to pick a winner! Good Luck and thanks for entering!

Join  us Saturdays at tatertotsandjello.com for the weekend wrap 
 up           party!
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~Shari said...

At our house we are not much into Valentine decorating. :( But we certainly will have the cinnamon hearts and the convo hearts also. :)


~Shari said...

I follow your blog. I am a new Lurker!



CM said...

Um, we are kinda lame when it comes to Valentines day. Mostly just cut out hearts!

The towels are adorable!

Anonymous said...

We don't decorate for Valentine's Day. However, I have done a few Valentine's crafts with the kids which are covering my art wall in the kitchen:) The dish towels are adorable!

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog

Anonymous said...

I follow on twitter @KiddiesCorner

Carrie said...

Those are SO CUTE!!! I love the material you picked out! I love love these!

I don't have any Valentine decorations out yet...but I will for sure have the candy jar FULL of candy hearts...until I eat them all! Ha!

{My monogrammed M towel is getting so much use! I hope I win! ;-) }

Carrie said...

I follow! :-)

Lisa said...

These are adorable! I don't know what it is about dishtowels, but I love cute ones!

I have a door hanger and mini flag outside my house to decorate. Inside, I have a few glittery things on the shelves int eh family room. I'm going to try to find a few more cute things on clearance after the holiday too.

Banking to Boot Camp said...

Love these!!!! The fabric is awesome!!!

I have a door hanger for my front door and some Valentine coloring pages that my daughter colored hanging up.

Banking to Boot Camp said...

I follow!!!

Megan C said...

I just moved into my first home. So I am starting a new. I love the subtle decorations. Nothing too in your face but that can mix in with my decorations I already have. I love have new dish towels for each holiday. That is one thing I am going to start getting.

Megan C said...

I follow and I love all the crafty things you do!

Megan C said...

I now follow you with feedburner on myyahoo!

Ambrosia said...

It's sad, but right now I have NO Valentine's Day decorations! I've never decorated for it in the past, but I'm getting started today - cute felt pompoms, hearts hanging everywhere, cutsie frames with kissy pictures, etc!

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mommy2luke2008 said...

I usually don't decorate for Valentines Day, except for whatever Luke brings home from daycare, but this year we are planning on making the stained glass hearts out of melted crayons and wax paper :)
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

mommy2luke2008 said...

I'm a follower!
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

LBB said...

The girls & I make heart garland from paper each year. This year I made a heart wreath made from romance novel pages :)

LBB said...

I follow your blog too!

mommy2luke2008 said...

I am now following you on twitter @getinonthewins
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

mommy2luke2008 said...

I tweeted about this!
maryw1981 at yahoo dot com

Stephanie said...

My son's birthday is on Valentines Day so I try to get the house as festive as possible. I think I need new ideas this year though!

TeenaBugg38 said...

this is the first year I have been into the valetine decor thing....so far I have made a wreath and a topiary....this weekend I am working onn garalnd and a shadow box :)

TeenaBugg38 said...

And I am alreadey a follower!

KTW said...

What adorable towels! :) I am already a follower of your blog.

Lori Beth said...

I follow your blog.

Lori Beth said...

We have heart garland, red and pink candles, hearts, and tons of "masterpieces" made by my little Picassos! :) I'm thinking I might need to make some cute dish towels! I used to do that with burp rags, but never thought of dish towels. Thanks for the idea!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

They turned out fabulously, Kelli!!! I just did our Vday decor on Monday. Heart garland in the kitchen window, Blessings Blocks spell out "LOVE," and a vignette with my Blessings lantern, a plate from the Dollar Spot and a framed photo. :)

Great Giveaway!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

I Follow you too. :)

Allie said...

I think this year I am going to make Martha Stewart's crayon hearts for the windows in my house: http://www.marthastewart.com/good-things/crayon-hearts

They are so cute!

Allie said...

I follow your blog on Google reader :)

Allie said...

I follow you on twitter too :)

Kmama said...

So cute! I don't put out Valentine's decorations. We don't really celebrate, since my bday is so close.

Kmama said...

I follow on GFC.

Kmama said...

I follow on Twitter (dailydribbles)

Felicity Grace Terry said...

As its my birthday three days before Valentines Day we have always made more of a celebration of this. Good luck all who enter your giveaway.

Kelly said...

this is too funny! I was looking at the pictures and was like, "I should e-mail her to see if I can pay her to make me some." Then I scroll down and POOF, you are doing a giveaway! Wooohoo!
I try to put up the window clings, hears that the kids paint and any other fun things I can find!

Kelly said...

I follow you and LOVE all the crafts that you do!

Kelly said...

I tweeted (and follow you on Twitter now!)


Kelly said...

I subscribed to your google reader for blogger! Woohoo!

Kelly said...

I subscribed to your google reader for blogger! Woohoo!

Kelly said...

I subscribed to your google reader for blogger! Woohoo!

Kelly said...

I subscribed to your google reader for blogger! Woohoo!

Kelly said...

I subscribed to your google reader for blogger! Woohoo!

Darcie said...

Super cute Kelli! As for Valentine's decorations...I am a pretty simple girl that just throws a few pink and red decorations around the house.

MommaD said...

You saw my crepe paper roses centerpiece on the blog yesterday, but alas in a house w/all boyz I think that is about it for this year. I am IN LOVE with your stove!

Sugarplum Creations Blog said...

Oooooh, yes please! Those are absolutely adorable, Kelli!! We haven't decorated much around here this year. Life has been a little chaotic lately :( But I do have a set of heart tealight holders on our dining room table, and in the middle . . . a heart dish filled with regular and peanut m&ms . . . in red, white, and pink, of course :)

Sugarplum Creations Blog said...

I'm a follower :)

Kerri said...

I have no valentine decorations ,but I would love some!!!

Kerri said...

I follow your blog!

Kerri said...

I follow your twitter!

Foursons said...

Valentine's decorations? I still need to pull the garland off my bannister from Christmas. Hahahaha- how sad is that?

Foursons said...

Of course I follow you!

Kelli said...

For as much as I love V-Day I don't have a lot, a few towels and dishes. I need to make more things or hit up some sales after it's over.

Kelli said...

I absolutely follow!

Kelli said...

And now I get your feed. I didn't know you had that...sweet!

Angie @ www.ourjoyfulliving.com said...

There beautiful I love them.

I have a really pretty pink heart wreath on the door.

Angie @ www.ourjoyfulliving.com said...

I follow your blog.

Angie said...

I follow your blog!

Angie said...

I also follow you on twitter!!

Angie said...

I really wanted to make a v-day wreath this year, but I am lazy....so I put a cheapie $5.oo Walmart wreath up. IT is cute...kind of :)

More Than Words said...

Oh my gosh..those are ADORABLE!! You're so good!!

I don't think I've ever really decorated my home for Valentine's Day, but now I feel like I need to!

More Than Words said...

You know I follow you, girl!! :)

More Than Words said...

And I follow you on Twitter! (aminyard7)

The Thompson Family said...

I have a welcome door sign that I change every month. I will put up the decorated hearts that go with it. This year I plan to add some cute saying & such like subway art to my mantel. I am also collecting holiday books for my children this year so we can read about the holiday.

The Thompson Family said...

I am a follower

Nicole Love said...

That is so cute! You are so creative!

Ashley said...

These towels are adorable!! I am on a mission today to find block to modge podge I Love You on. I plan on putting them on the bar in my kitchen with some flowers. :)

Anonymous said...

I will make a heart garland and hoping to frame some subway art downloads or modge podge them on wooden blocks. Thanks, great towels!

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I subscribe through Google Reader. Thanks!!!! I love these towels!

Anonymous said...

I subscribe through Google Reader. Thanks!!!! I love these towels!

Anonymous said...

I subscribe through Google Reader. Thanks!!!! I love these towels!

Anonymous said...

I subscribe through Google Reader. Thanks!!!! I love these towels!

Anonymous said...

I subscribe through Google Reader. Thanks!!!! I love these towels!

PunkyNoodles said...

my v-day decorating this year started with a heart shaped cake pan i found at a thrift store. i glued a piece of cute v-day paper inside, put some glitter around the rim, and glued a piece of ribbon on the back to hang it with. turned out really cute and different and only cost about $2.00
stephbenson5 at msn dot com

PunkyNoodles said...

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Anonymous said...

I framed a subway art thingy and have a ginormous monogram of our last name in red glitter (ok, that's leftover from Christmas, but it works. Also, lots of felt hearts.

Karen said...

I already have my V-day decor up! I of course have subway art, a cute wood Hugs and kisses plaque, so many other things too! I just love to decorate!

Karen said...

I have been following your blog for a while now. LovE it!

Heidi @ Happiness is Homemade said...

These are SO cute! We totally need more Valentine's decorations, but so far this year we have a crocheted heart garland, a cupcake wreath and two other little heart garlands :)

Willefam said...

I am putting up a LOVE tile set this year:) dewthis.blogspot.com for the printable:)

Willefam said...

I follow your blog!! LOVE IT!

Cherie said...

Really cute! I am following your blog!

Debbie said...

I dont have a lot to decorate with for Valentine's!!! Those towels are so cute!!!!

God Bless~
Debbie Jean

Debbie said...

Yes, I follow you!!! I don't do twitter :(

God bless~
Debbie Jean

Anonymous said...

Your Valentine's Days tea towels are so adorable! I don't do a lot of Valentine decorating but in my breakfast room hutch, I do add some red colored plates!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Kelly said...

Thanks so much for your comment on my blog! I LOVE these towels!



Lyndee @ A Recovering Craft Hoarder said...

I have random Valentine Decorations. Most of them, I made this year. I'm not sure that I've ever decorated for Valentines Day before. It's been fun.

Lyndee @ A Recovering Craft Hoarder said...

I love being a follower of your blog!

Barbara said...

I probably won't do this right because my memory is so messed up with my meds. But I do love your kitchen towels. I want to try to make something like this, but I am not very good at sewing.
My decorations so far this year are a cute chandelier that I made with picture strip hearts which you can see on my blog. I also made a subway art and placed it in a picture frame. I posted this on my blog too with links to where I borrowed the ideas. We have a Valentine's brunch this will be our second year. The whole family comes over and we make all kinds of goodies, I usually have a little giveaway of something I made. Last year I made some heart shaped soaps.

Barbara said...

I just followed you.

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Tweeted on Twitter!

Barbara said...

I followed you on Twitter!

MFEO2009 said...

These are too cute!
I decorated with glass jars filled with valentine goodies & acts of kindness. I also put up red towels and window clings to our mirrors and windows.
I love V-day! :)

He & Me + 3 said...

Look at all these comments. wow. I follow your blog girly. Love it.

He & Me + 3 said...

I don't decorate for an holiday except put up a Christmas tree. I got out of the habit once the kids started coming. :) Now I am just too lazy. LOL

Apple Valley said...

I am planning on doing some heart/valentine crafts with the kids and also I would like to crochet a heart garland, need to find a pattern first though.

Apple Valley said...

I follow too :)

Evie n Lizzie said...

Cute, Cute, Cute!!!
I have a heart garland in the kitchen (http://evienlizzie.blogspot.com)
that's about the extent of my V Day decorating!

Evie n Lizzie said...

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Mrs Males said...

We have bathroom towels to decorate... and are always looking for more decorations!!

Mrs Males said...

I'm a new google follower!!

Mary Lea said...

very cute! I love your fabric choices! I have a small pink valentine's tree!

Cathy said...

Hi there
I do not do much :( However you have inspired me. These are darling!
How does a ruffler work?

Cathy said...

Hi again
I am a follower :)

April said...

gorgeous towels :-)

we don't decorate for valentine's.

Jana said...

I honestly only have two Valentine's decorations...what's the problem with me? I have a door hanger outside and a heart hanging in the kitchen. I need to step it up!

Jana said...

I now follow you on twitter!

Jana said...

I follow your blog!

Jana said...

I tweeted the giveaway!

Unknown said...

LOVE your towels! I make hand towels too! They just 'add' to the kitchen! :o)
I don't do much Valentines decorating. I do have a valentine tassel hanging and a valentine picture I made, but that's it!
I'm having a giveaway this week too! Come check it out! xoxo

Unknown said...

I follow you!

LisaDV said...

I follow you.

LisaDV said...

Love the towels! I don't have many valentine decorations, some heart shaped tea light holders, & a few other things (however, I just reorganized & can't find them -) Hoping to adapt your hula wreath -so cute- for a project with the kids though.

LisaDV said...


LisaDV said...

I don't twitter or tweet, but I do have you on my toolbar favorites.

Denise said...

I'm thinking about getting my V Day decorations out tomorrow...we are on day 2 of an ice storm. I've already organized the pantry and cleaned my oldest son's room. My house is going to be spotless :)

Cherie said...

Love them!

Please come by and visit me... I am a new follower! http://justcraftytoday.blogspot.com/ , while you are there... be sure to grab my button for Sweet Saturdays Link Party, and enter my Giveaway!

Christine said...

Hey Kelli!
Love the towels! Great job! Especially on the ruffles:)
I don't really do seasonal decorations...I know...I'm the only one.
But I do seasonal food, and plenty of it! Heart cookies, pink cupcakes:)

Leslie said...

I have been totally hum-bug about Vday in years past. If I have time, this year I might frame a free printable, make a cupcake liner wreath, and possibly a Vday banner. I also might make a centerpiece with some pink carnations and red hots. And...if I don't win these dish towels, I might make some of these! :)

Leslie said...

I'm a new follower! I look forward to learning mad skills from Super Mom!

Ashleigh said...

I made a VDay ribbon wreath last year which I want to put up! I haven't made it that far yet though, as I have a baby due any day! :)
ThankfullyThrifty at gmail dot com

Ashleigh said...

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Oh and btw my name on the GFC is Ashleigh @ Thankfully Thrifty... not sure why the one I comment with is different.

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{northern cottage} said...

oh my word ---- these are SOOOO cute! I especially love the ones with the little red/white dots....perfect in my little ol kitchen. mmmmmm

Seeing this post actually made me 'catch my breath' love them!

following ya!

Shanon said...

These are darling! I too, am in a house full of cute boys so Valentines decore always gets me giddy. I love to decorate in the girly pinks and red. I made a heart shaped wreath this year out of velvet circles...so cute! I also have an XOXO sign hanging on my door along with heart static cling sticker on all my bathroom mirrors...for my sweet boys to see how much I love them!

Shanon said...

stumbled upon you today, and no I too am a follower!

Angela Weisenburger said...

SO cute! Makes me wish all my sewing supplies weren't still packed in our trailer from moving down from Alaska last fall. Gonna have to bookmark this post so I can make some for Easter or summer!

Angela Weisenburger said...

"following" you now, lol!

family said...

Love your towels! Our decor is mostly made by my kids...so it would be odd shaped hearts with lots of stickers all over them! :)

Rachel {BubblyNatureCreations.com} said...

These colors are beautiful!!! This would match my own kitchen perfectly!

Please share this over here: http://www.bubblynaturecreations.com/2011/02/project-party-weekend-flavored-lip.html

We would love to have you join us!

Anonymous said...

i plan to hang up that towel when i win it ;) or maybe i could make my own!

Anonymous said...

i follow you via google reader :)

Leah said...

super cute towels! I plan on making a heart garland decorated by the kiddos this weekend.

Leah said...

I follow your blog too :)

Grammy Goodwill said...

I haven't done much decorating for Valentine's Day this year. I have a few candles and some metal buckets from Target. Not very festive....

Mary said...

We don't really have many Valentines decorations...only a Valentines Wreath on our door :)

Mary said...

I'm a new follower!

courtney said...

these are super cute! i am a new follower!

Unknown said...

I love Valentine decorating. I haven't made my all of my decor yet, but I am planning on making a couple more things before the day of love!
Cate from Random Crafty Georgia Girl

Unknown said...

I am also a new follower.
Cate from Random Crafty Georgia Girl
cmhutchison22(at)yahoo(dot) com

Unknown said...

I also tweeted about this.
request to follow
Cate from Random Crafty Georgia Girl

Kira =] said...

We decorate with hearts. some red and LOTS of pink. Our youngest was born on Valentine's Day so that day is now all about our little sweetheart. =]

Kira =] said...

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Holly Lefevre said...

Just too darn cute. Ruffles and happy fabric - perfection. I love those sack towels!

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