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Friday, October 21, 2011

Homemade Halloween Costume Ideas for Boys

I love Halloween!
The weather, the candy, the fall festivals, the decorations, but most of all I love a great homemade Halloween costume! I know that some people just don't have the time or the skill to make homemade costumes, but I love the challenge of it...even though it really isn't as challenging as some people think. I have made homemade costumes for my boys every year since Henry's first Halloween in 2004...that's a total of 15 Halloween costumes! They have been everything from a scarecrow to a caveman, and they have all been homemade! For the most part I use inexpensive fabrics {like felt} and most of the costumes are held together with hot glue.

I decided to share a few pictures of some of our past homemade Halloween costumes {and a few details about how to make the costumes} with the hope that it will encourage a few of you to try and make some homemade costumes this year. They will save you a ton of money and create a ton of great memories too!

Last year the boys were knights. I used white & grey felt, blue cotton material, and some silver sparkly trim to make the costumes...and it was all put together with hot glue. I basically cut out a rectangle big enough for each boy and then cut out a neck hole. The side were held together with ties {look closely at Eli's} that went through a hole on each side of the costume. The boys worn grey thermal underwear underneath and the the helmets came from the dollar section at Target!

The dinosaur costume was a hand me down that Grant had worn a few years ago. This was sewn using a Simplicity sewing pattern {see below for more details about the pattern}. It was one of my first big sewing projects, so I was glad it was worn more than once:) Henry and Grant's Cavemen costumes were made out of {really cheap} fake fur. I cut a basic rectangle out and then sewed up the sides and cut out a neck hole. Henry asked for a one armed costume which was a little more complicated, but still pretty easy. I made boot covers using their shoes as a template...and Jason helped me out with those!
 Their necklaces where made with big wooden beads from the craft section of Hobby Lobby and the boys helped me make them. I tied a little twine around the boys waists and in this picture you can see the fun edge that I cut on the bottom to make their costumes look a little more primitive.

I think these were some of the boys most favorite costumes ever...especially since they still play with them sometimes! I made the capes out of felt and {some kind of shiny} silky material. They were sewn together, but you can easily make a no sew cape with material that doesn't fray and some iron on adhesive for the emblem. Their shirts {I used two per costume to make the emblem and their belt} and pants came from Walmart and they were only $3 each. 
 I even made Eli a little superhero costume by sewing a small cape onto the back of a onesie and adding a belt {with an E} to the front of it.

These costumes were really simple to make, and they were no sew! I got black sweat pants for the boys and cut the leg holes kind of jagged. I probably spent less than $5 at the fabric store for the yellow fabric and the red and white striped fabric. I simple cut all the pieces to length for each boy and then tied them on! The pirate accessories came from the dollar section at Target, and if you look closely they even had a gold earring {that was clipped onto their headpiece not their ear}.

This is the one {and only} year that I have sew the boys entire costumes...and it was a lot of work! They were totally worth it though {especially since Eli wore the green dinosaur costume again}! This was made with a Simplicity pattern that was actually pretty easy to follow. Here's a link to the pattern { 2506 }just in case anyone is interested. 

For Henry's first Halloween he was a scarecrow. He was an adorable little scarecrow and this was a really cheap and easy costume to put together. I used a pair of overalls from a thrift store and stitched on a few patches. Then I hot glued some raffia around the leg holes. I braided a few pieces of raffia for a belt and made a cute hat out of some black felt. Add a plaid shirt and a little face paint and you've got a cute homemade scarecrow!
I know that it may be easier to just buy a costume at the store, but think of all the fun memories that you can make by doing something homemade for you kiddos this year...not to mention the money you can save! There is still more than a week left before Halloween, so head to the craft store and start working on some fun homemade Halloween costumes! 
**If you do decide to try one of my costume ideas {or if this post encouraged you to try any homemade costume} send me some pics or a link to your blog...I would love to feature a few homemade costumes here!**
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Nelly said...

So cute all of them.I love making costumes too

Richella Parham said...

These costumes are all darling! I especially like your three knights.

One year both of my big boys wanted to be cowboys. We had blue jeans and Western shirts, and they had play cowboy hats, but they wanted vests with fringe. I just bought four pieces of tan-colored felt for each boy. I cut one piece in half lengthwise, then glued those two halves to a whole piece down the long sides, leaving room at the top for arms to fit through. On the two long pieces that made the front of the vest, I pressed back "lapels." Then I took the other pieces of felt and cut them into pieces horizontally. I glued the horizontal strips across the "vest," using just one stripe of glue across the tops of these strips. Then I took my scissors and cut the rest of the strips into "fringe." The vests cost me just $1 each and a little bit of time--but not very much time! It was quick and easy and they loved their cowboy vests. :)

Kmama said...

Your costumes are way cuter than the ones you buy at a store. I love the scarecrow and the knights.

CM said...

So adorable! Wow, you did great!

I wish I knew how to sew. I end up buying costumes from Target and pray that they hold up until we get to Halloween. They love wearing them everyday!

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

Great costumes ... I love homemade! Your knights were adorable. I've been posting our homemade costumes this week as well ... it's so fun to see what others have come up with.

Kelli said...

You are awesome! I actually love making costumes too. I've made them since Caleb was about 1...with making them pop tarts (my fav). This year we actually bought costumes but next year I will get back into making them again. It's so much fun.

Kelli said...

Oh and what have you come up with for this year.

Lauren said...

Those are all fantastic!

I love making costumes, but so far only have for my daughter and they always involve a tutu! I love it though!

Nicole Love said...

Those are so cute!!!

Sugarplum Creations Blog said...

So cute!!! Look how much they've grown!!

We do a lot of costume hand-me-down. This year Taylor is wearing a costume that has gone through Kenners and Kam, Kam is wearing one that has gone through Sierra and Kenners, and the two older ones are wearing old dance costumes and we bought "fairy" wings to coordinate. Four complete costumes for around $20 ;)

Unknown said...

Awesome!! I love homemade costumes! So much more unique and special.

Thanks for coming by my blog. I agree- I like the pops better without the green coat. Happy accident, as it turned out!

Unknown said...

Oh wow! These are the cutest!!! Wish I had the skillz for this kind of costume. Sadly my kiddos are destined to ala Party City!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Those dinosaur costumes are just precious!! Can't believe you made them yourself. :) Thanks for linking up, Kelli!

Foursons said...

Wow, you've done a great job! I told the boys we aren't buying new this year. They have to wear one they already have or create one from the closet. :)

staci @ lizard n ladybug said...

Love the superheros!!
This year, my friend's mother made my son's Angry Bird costume..and my daughter insisted :) on getting a store bought Ariel costume.

Liz Mays said...

I love every single one of them! I think the dinosaurs might be my fave. :)

carissa said...

oh my goodness. i can't decide what i like the most. i'm somewhat partial to dinosaurs since Hunter's first Halloween was spent as one. but the scarecrow! love it!!! he is such a cutie.

Angie said...

you are so talented and such a great mom! i love all these fun costumes.

Paula@SweetPea said...

You are quite talented to come up with so many great costumes with such good detail. I can only imagine the compliments your kids get on their costumes when they trick-or-treat.

Most of my costumes were homemade with the exception of Wonder Woman. My favorite was a princess outfit with a big, pink fluffy skirt and a wand with an aluminum foil covered star.

Hope you have a fun time trick-or-treating this year!

Anonymous said...

I wish I had the patience to make costumes. My mom did homemade all the time. I remember being an elderly lady when I was around 5 and brother was the elderly man. It was fun. I also did homemade witches costumes and other things. I just don't have patience for it:( The boys are absolutely adorable.

laxsupermom said...

Adorable! I've sewn some of the boys costumes, and we've bought others. Right now the teen is too old for real make believe and usually just puts on some makeup to be a zombie. Your boys are so cute! Thanks for sharing.

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

Those costumes are all adorable!

Miller Racing Family said...

These are so cute. I love the caveman outfits. Last year we made a football and cheerleading costumes. This year Lila fell in love with Trey's old lion costume and then Trey wants to be an alligator.
Hope you have a great day!

Brooke said...

These are all adorable!! My favorite are the knights!

Yanet @ 3 Sun Kissed Boys said...

Oh my goodness, so cute! Doesn't the baby scarecrow seem like forever ago?

I've slacked this year in the Halloween department. We haven't even made it to the pumpkin patch. I'm off to Target in a bit to get a costume. Maybe next year I'll be better.

Carrie said...

awww! how sweet is that scarecrow ;-) I am sad that I didn't make a costume this year...just no energy or motivation :-( Alex really wanted me too, but he settled for a SWAT police uniform, ha!

those are all so creative and the boys will love looking back at the wonderful costumes you made and the time you put into it! so sweet!

Myya said...

I love that you shared these with us. Oh my gosh your boys are Ahhhhdorable & the costumes are seriously the best i've seen in a long time!!! I wish I was craftier, I so love the look & espeically the thought that goes into it when they are handmade.

Nueyer said...

Those costumes are awesome!!! My favourite has to be the cute scarecrow :)

Kyla Armstrong said...

Such fabulous ideas! Thank you for sharing.

Stasi said...

How did you make a hat out of felt? Please share, thanks!

Jaimee @ Havenwood House of Boys said...

Ohh you've done such a fantastic job momma!! I have three boys, too. These pics are so sweet : )

I'm sharing your Knights costumes in a 13 for Halloween: Handmade Costumes roundup on my blog this Friday, with one pic and a link back to this post.

Anonymous said...

so cute creative i like it
cute idea

Anonymous said...

I have made homemade costumes for my boys every year since Henry's ... zombiekidsboys.blogspot.com

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