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Monday, October 17, 2011

Tent Camping, Bulldogs, and Football

Twelve hours is probably the cap on the amount of time that I ever want to spend camping in a tent....and that is exactly what we did this weekend. After deciding {very last minute} to take the Henry and Grant to a Mississippi State football game, I got busy trying to find a hotel room. The only problem was that  there was NOTHING available within 100 miles of Starkville! Lucky for us, my grandparents were staying in their motor home at a campground about 30 minutes south of MS State....so we loaded up our tent and sleeping bags and headed out for a night of tent camping.
 We didn't get to the campground until almost 9 pm Friday night, so I don't have any pictures of the tent going up...but here are few of the boys helping Jason disassemble the tent the next morning:) We had a pretty good night in the tent, but I'm definitely bringing an air mattress if we ever tent camp again!

 After the tent and sleeping bags were loaded up and we had said our goodbyes {and thanks you for the free place to sleep} to my grandparents, we headed to see the Bulldogs. Henry and Grant got their picture taken with a statue of a bulldog...
 ...and a real one too!
 After our walking tour {aka we parked so far from the football field that we saw half the campus on the way to the stadium} of the campus, the boys got to play on some inflatable for a while and get their faces painted.
 Then we headed to our seats {decked out in maroon} to cheer on the MS State Bulldogs. The Bulldogs ended up losing in the last few minutes of the game 14-12...but it was a great game and the boys had a really great time!
We're hoping {okay mostly me because I don't want to sleep in a tent again any time soon} that our Airstream will be ready for football season next year, and maybe Eli will be old enough to join us for the game too:)
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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Hey, What's That?

Yes, there is a sticky frog stuck to my ceiling.
Yes, it has been there since yesterday.
Yes, my house full of boys thinks that having a sticky frog stuck to the ceiling is hilarious.
Yes, I took pictures of the sticky frog to share on my blog.
Yes, I am low on good blogging material so instead of something interesting, you get multiple pictures of a sticky frog.
Have a great day! And try not to get any sticky frogs stuck to your ceiling:)
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Friday, October 7, 2011

Friday Flashback: Food Edition

**It's another Flashback Post! This is a fun recipe that I shared last year. We are definitely going to be making these again this year because they were a huge hit with my boys! Enjoy**

Jello Jigglers
& pumpkin cookie cutters
 make SUPER easy
and SUPER fun
fall treats
for everyone to eat!

What kind of fun Halloween/fall snacks have you been making?!?
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Thursday, October 6, 2011

I Gave Into the Missoni Hype...A Little Late!

I know I am way behind the curve here considering most people were storming the doors of Target more than 3 weeks ago, but after quite a few trips past the {very small selection} of Missoni merchandise at my local Target I finally gave in. I bought a candle and a journal. I know big spender, right?!? 
 Honestly I just wasn't really a big fan of the majority of the stuff that I saw. A lot of the pieces seemed either way too retro or way too Southwestern for my taste. I will say that I LOVE the zig-zag {aka chevron}, but some of the the color combos just don't fit my style....except for the black and white {which is what I ended up buying}. 
 I did LOVE this bike, and these fun boots that my friend Carrie bought are SUPER cute too. There were a few other pieces that probably would have considered buying {like a scarf, a pair of flats, or some cute socks}, but when I finally decided that I desperately needed to have a least one Missoni piece to buy something, the pickin' were slim and the black and white things were all I could talk myself into buying. I do think that a lot of the little girl's stuff was cute....but little girl's clothes are never on my shopping list for some reason:)
For now, I am SUPER happy with my cute zig-zag candle that blends pretty well into my living room decor. It is black and white so it pretty much matches anything:) 
What do you think of the Missoni for Target line...like it or loathe it?
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